does this get rid of the GB?
I feel the entire wts is beyond any redemption.
Shut it down sell it up and disperse the funds less taxes to the victims of abuse.
it has been commented here that "soon" the do's will be history.
the co level will be "retired" at age 70 and the latest development was that the cobe can not serve after age 80. it would seem that there is a "cull" of top management.
in secular companys that would signal a radical change of directions ???.
does this get rid of the GB?
I feel the entire wts is beyond any redemption.
Shut it down sell it up and disperse the funds less taxes to the victims of abuse.
human rights are clearly laid out in a number of places, and are upheld by legislation in many nations, and yet they are ignored, or when they are invoked, do not go far enough.. this is a sad state of affairs in the 21st century.. human rights are simply trodden in to the ground where we have war, where we have totalitarian regimes, and where we have ignorant clerics who rule.. even in enlightened countries that broadly accept the principles of human rights, they often are not given the priority they should receive.. take freedom of religion for example, this right should enshrine the right to freedom from religion.
the fact that we in the u.k, canada the u.s.a, europe etc etc are unable to really be free of the wt/jw religion if we wish to choose to do so shows this right is unenforceable at present.. the same with the right to family life, the jw/wt cult is allowed to ride roughshod over this basic human right.. it is time their power, and the power of religion in general, was reigned in, and they be made to respect human rights fully..
Jgnat: thanks.
to start off, i'm not saying this happens, or doesn't.
i'm just a bit confused on the subject, and what you guys are always talking about.
what exactly is it with the wt on the issue of child abuse?
The day the wts is attacked by the UN, or who ever they will scream.. persecution amd see how fast any list of paedophiles is handed over.
Were I a policeman investigating such a crime I would take the 24 people who turned up to support the offender (as in the Poisson case) and sit them down and show them evidence videos or photos of what sex crimes on children look like and make them watch!
JW in this case are like the citizens of Nazi Germany who denied the camps ever existed. I cringe I feel sick to think i was ever part of that wt 'borganisation'.
the politico pages have blown up over the prisoner exchange between the us and the taliban.
5 prisoners in guantanamo bay prison exchanged for the us soldier, bowe bergdahl.. will this open up the future in afghanistan for greater dialogue between warring factions.
will the new president in afghanistan be able to capitalize on this gesture.
It is most likely too much to ask the media leave the guy and his family alone. He has a lot of adjusting to do. and.. I hope he gets paid for all thattime he was still 'on-duty'.
to start off, i'm not saying this happens, or doesn't.
i'm just a bit confused on the subject, and what you guys are always talking about.
what exactly is it with the wt on the issue of child abuse?
I would like someone with access to the statistics for countries to report here the % of witnesses reported/recorded/convicted on this matter compared with other religions i fear the stats would reveal a most terrible thing. That is if there is a higher indication of sex offences coming out of the wt camp then there should be an enormous ..WHY?
There is no requirement by the wts to report paedophile activity to the Police by the elders unless that is a state requirement.
have you noticed how the org, and individuals are more concerned about the actual event such as the international conventions, rather than the content of the program?.
i often shake my figurative head (ok, literal one too!
), as i see the all the hype being generated by the act of attending, and think that most are not actually interested in the stuff that will be presented, but are more concerned about simply being there or getting there..... and, they are more focussed on the activity of a campaign, such as a tract work, or invitation hand out, rather than the actual content of the material.. .
the fuss and bother of getting there. By some.
"what are we to wear..(!)"
It will be wonderful because everyone says it will be.
Talks. far too long. point made and then gone over and over... . . and over.
any baptisms done requiring yet another talk.
final talk "Keynote adress" then followed by yet another talk so bad organisation.
final prayer done as a 'summing-up' of the program.
and (pet hate) perfectly able bodied jw sitting in 'invalid only' seating.
after a jehovah's witness secretly confronted a foster child, eunice spry was jailed for torturing three children; she is now set to be released from prison and re-homed near her victims.
(warning - graphic pictures and story).
Have signed the petition, i feel it is weak but better than nought. Me? ....she should be dealt with under "rule .303". Only with her death would her victims ever feel safe again.
i have scanned daniel chapter 9 as it is rendered in english by the hebrew tanakh (masoretic text - mt) and by the greek septuagint (lxx)..
read verses 24 to 27 carefully.. doug.
27 ..he will cause gift offering to cease."
you maintained a level of personal decency and integrity that you almost certainly would not have had if you had chosen another direction.. sure, you would have had some very "colorful" friends and experiences if you had gone another way, but you still chose the more "edgy" people in the congregation as your friends and you still enjoyed yourself, even if there were a lot of phony constraints.. you looked for ways to be of value to others.
don't stop doing that!.
you kept the darker side of your personality in check.
When I answered at wt a bit differently to the drones who quoted the party line verbatim i was looked at with suspicion. I would answer from the expereince of life.
Later the wts told everyone to answer like that. so they did.
In my last experiences of wt the whole borg had become very defensive and evryone was back to quoting the party line or sitting like dumb s*** and not saying anything at all.
anyone else getting a bit tired of being wetted upon?.
i've sort of had enough already, suede shoes in the rain is not not a good idea.. .
on the plus side, it's fun for fish .
In a lot of drought stricken Australia we welcome the rain! Unless you are in the parts that flooded the year before last and last year too or the bits that burnt to the ground with wild fires.