They want the land donated.
JoinedPosts by zebagain
The issue of land and a new KH.
by quellycatface inin my ex kh, the elders were always saying we needed a new kh but there was a shortage of
there's bloody loads around here and in other areas which would be suitable.
what's the deal with this?.
New JW Elder Instructional Video, How Many Times Was Jesus Christ Mentioned? His name?
by RottenRiley ini counted zero, can anyone else verify the watchtower's new aid to instruct judicial matters never mentioned our lord and saviour jesus christ, the messiah?.
or for my deist and atheist friends, did they mention the name of jesus of nazareth?
thank you friends!.
I was ever annoyed at conventions where the dramas with pre recorded American accented sound track used 'Jae-Hooo-vahr'.
China Fashion then - and now (See the Chinese girls at Sochi)
by fulltimestudent innot so long ago everyone (sort of) in china wore the ubiquitous 'mao suit.
' it was really a misnomer as that style was adopted by the guomindang (kmt) in the decade after the collapse of the qing dynasty.
communist party members also started wearing it, after dr. sun yatsen invited the communists to join the guomindang.
beautiful, elegant,personal disciplined, with good manners and gentle pride the CPR has every right to be proud of them.
German "JW's" just after WW2
by Phizzy inwhen i was growing up in the religion i heard a number of times that immediately after ww2 many jw's in germany left the religion.. i was told that this was, despite their courageously opposing the nazi regime, and enduring concentration camps etc, after the war , they fell prey to "materialism".. there was much shaking of heads as to how this could happen.. whilst reading an old thread the other day, i read there that these ones who left did so because they did not agree with doctrinal changes that had gone on whilst they had been cut off by the nazis and the war, "materialism" was nothing to do with it.. is this another case of watchtower revisionist "history" ?.
does anyone know the truth about what happened at this time ?.
The bethel boys were safe in NY. Had they gone to the US State Dept before the US engaged hostilities with Germany and asked, could have been sponsor of persecuted ones in Nazi dominated lands. No? did they? when so many could have been got out via 'non aligned ' or neutral countries. Nope the wts wanted martyrs.
The german jw when released they wanted to get a house or apartment and live in dignity and try and put their lives back together after months or years of terror, living around their own faeces, dead people, daily murder and starvation. Who can blame them for wanting what the world called normal. What right the bethel boys to call down judgement on them for being ....'materialistic.'
I ask. Have any of the GB at any time ever visited Aushwitcz?
Locate and read a book "While Six Million Died" for this work gives a broader picture of things happening outside of the holocaust. In one part of this work it reports the Australian government (under PM Menzies, Liberal) refused refugee entry, immediate repatriation to Australia of 100,000 Austrians when Hitler took over Austria.
The reply to the panic stricken Australian Embassy was "We dont have a Jewish problem, we dont want one". None survived.
Sir82: " a boulder of salt".. love it.
Sing Dirges to Jehovah?
by donny inback in 1985 my then-wife and i were having a lunchtime "gathering" at our place to show some support to the ones in our congregation who were full-time pioneers.
i had just recently received the vinyl collection of the songs featured in the song book "sing praises to jehovah" which had been released the previous year.. .
many of these melodies sounded depressing to me although i would have never admitted it at the time.
None match the average untrained voice. There is no base parts for males no high parts for females voices. No praise and that crap recorded piano music. Ugh!
A demon possessed hoime, allegations of infedelity, slander and other cool stuff
by confusedandalone inok so i am sure some of you saw th eletter my mom wrote.
i simply responded with:.
So she spent the first 24 hours destroying her wedding presents.. Thats not what we were doing!
Moustaches vs. beards - one of the contributing factors to losing my cognitive dissonace
by Pacopoolio inas a little background - i was born-in to being a witness, back in '79, in detroit, in mostly black and poor congregations.
baptized when 10-ish, stayed around, was on the fast track to ms, but faded when i moved out at 24ish.. there was a combination of a few things that got me on the road to "freedom" from the cognitive dissonance that kept me "in the truth" for so long.
the main thing was, being an artist and studying marketing, my thinking was patterned to constantly question if i was doing something "correctly," as constant improvement and questioning is what facilitates artistic and mental growth.
I had a beard once and with no notice at all the Service meeting was devoted to beards. Me. The only one. All the time the elder went on his adult daughter was sitting infront of me in her usual string strap backless skimpy attire. My wife opened up on this type of dress and all the shoes off once the sisters sat down. Hmm red faces.. none of them mine.
I wrote a letter to the DO after this never got a reply.
Syncis....sounds like another MLM scheme
by whathehadas inmy sister who is 26 and a jw, recently quit her job to join this "company" that helps people invest for retirement.
she has a masters and was working in education.
now she's sold on syncis.
We have a saying here. "If it sounds to good to be true it probably is".
A few years back jw were all getting into some buy everything u need off us and save and get your friends into it as well-- scheme.
Then there was another one "All Australian company" that went belly up with lots of debts and HQ in NY.
jw seem particularly prone to getting into these schemes.
Health Advise Needed.
by RottenRiley in.
if your sister and brother died of cancer and now your body is starting to show all the effects of the disease, would you want to know even if it might mean a death-sentence?.
my dad, sister, brother and now mom will die from this ugly disease, all of them had aggressive forms of stomach cancer, my mother's battliing it has me putting my health on the back burner because i am very obstinate and hate doctors, why should i go see a doctor if the last four people i loved all died of cancer once they got their dx?.
Everyone google Bill henderson.
UN vs. The Vatican - Ex-JWs, are you sure?
by gold_C inso about a few years ago, thanks to this site i became convinced that everything that the jws have been saying is a bunch of nonsense and that i shouldn't worry about it.
it gave me some comfort, since there are several things i disagree with when it comes to the way one has to live in order to be a witness.
however, this business with the un attacking the vatican seems a little too much like what the witnesses have been preaching about to simply ignore:.
why would the UN attack the Rc church? Well for a start it is very high profile and the biggest. It has therefore (the biggest) a very public situation to face with the matter of child abuse.
The wts has held itself up as the one true faith and has so many times at so many conventions and publications slammed the rc church for its failings and doctrine. (as perceived by the wts) But the crows have come home to roost as ther scandals and pay outs from the wts are becoming ever more public and by means of this the web right around the world.
It may well be that the stench of child abuse coming out of this org the wts will see it caught up in the net of prosecution if it comes directed at the rc church and many others. Remember that the majority of nations in the UN are not 'christian' and would like any chance to knock down and kick the biggest christian org in the world. And for the wts with its million dollar temple recently opened in NY USA ever bragging of its moral superiority will get a kickking too. It will only take the US govt to say no more tax exemptions and they will scream 'persecution' from their rooftops but no one will give a damn.
How will the gb take it if the forces of law boot them out of their Bethel onto the street? For one, they will know just how others felt when ejected from their years of devotion to the wts and they will have to move in with other bros and sisters if they will have them or crawl back to people they have shunned for years.
Interesting times. We may see the prosecution of the RC church over these matters and other orgs (churches) will get get swept up with the same large broom.