I personally believe we are in the period known as the "first resurrection" ala Revelations, and that this started somewhere in the 1800's with the advent of major technological breakthroughs (some breakthroughs still unheard of even unto this day - ala my picture). It may even be possible that we are still in this first resurrection, even today. Although I'm starting to think it's a transition period. It's a bit hard to see at present.
I am now eagerly looking forward to the second resurrection, which I believe may have started 3-4 years ago in a small village in Taiwan. A little boy born into poverty currently exhibits amazing powers, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1890's. To be fair, I believe this little boy is only the tip of a very large ice-berg which may not manifest itself to the masses for many long years (ie. 20 years... 60?). It's entirely possible this little boy will grow out-of his powers, but I am still very excited indeed - for I see the tip of an iceberg emerging.
I'm not going into specifics due to some *very* specific advice given in the bible regarding such knowledge.
"Seek for truth like buried treasure" - "Knock and it shall be opened". These are not just nice little sayings that tell you to keep looking under the same rock for knowledge. They underlie a very powerful truth about personal growth and achievement. Sometime I can't do for you... no matter how much I want to.
I think the greatest problem with 1914 is the backwards focus it gives all Jehovah's Witnesses... not only when they are JW's, but also when they leave. If you want to focus on any teachings, then Revelations is my preferred choice, as well as the verses immediately before the famous John 3:16.