Thanks for the report from the front lines.... Here's some reaction:
3) The number of genuine anointed is dwindling. There will still be anointed ones on earth during the tribulation.
Translation: Despite the fact that the number of partakers keeps going up, dammit, only a handful (and we're not saying how many) are "genuine" annointed. This means most of them are total whack jobs, which explains why we don't need to consult them. Thus, all the decisions will continue to be made at Bethel where only "genuine" annointed reside, along with, ahem, some people who aren't annointed at all, nor do they claim to be, but that's all right because we got new light on that decades ago.
one of the paragraphs says that disgruntles ones whos expectations have not been fulfilled, start making use of the world to its full, careers, university education and hobbies.
Translation: So, those folks who used to come to the KH, they left because their expectations weren't met and they are DISGRUNTLED, so have nothing to do with them. Just because their expectations -- just like yours -- stemmed from our preaching and teaching, that's no reason to excuse them. They're disgruntled, dammit, and you know what that leads to.
...speaker actually said, that we may have questions or doubts which go unanswered for a long time, that is privately held views ans such. IF we allow these to fester, we could experience a crisis of faith and go apostate!!! Of course, the remedy is do research, but only in the Bible based publications.
What wasn't mentioned, of course: It's was those same "Bible based publications" that planted seeds of doubt in the first place, because they make no sense when you review them now in light of all the changes, the doctrinal flip flops and the blatant hypocrisy taking place, and the rampant cognitive dissonance that prevails among dubs today.
Summary: It is remarkable to look back on this crap now and see it for what it is.