What do you mean by "Marked"? I never heard that expression before in the KHs
"Brothers and sisters, open your hearts and your wallets." - Assembly day
by truthseeker 43 Replies latest jw friends
This is the reason why my family and I will never again, donate one anything to the WTS, it is a big SCAM!!! My money will now go to other truly helpful charities. The WTS has enough money already, ---if you can't afford it Bethel, stop making so many stupid, time wasting, mind numbing assemblies, better yet, come out and admit to everyone that the society has been lying to people all this time, and now wants to make amends, and will share all the Billions with the brotherhood---ahhhh, dreams!!!
Usuallspiel about TV, Internet, Higher Education taking the time of brothers and sisters who need that time for personal study
I became very obedient to the WT demands to avoid TV, internet, etc. about 2 years ago and started doing more personal study (the Bible, WT Library, etc.). That's why I'm on JWD and outta the cult. tehehe
Remember the little white Handbills with the KH address and meeting schedules? FREE - NO COLLECTIONS TAKEN
you asked:
What do you mean by "Marked"? I never heard that expression before in the KHs
I don't know if it was an expression used in the KH's so much. What I meant by that is when people get treated in a wary fashion. Like for example if they feel you may unsettle the folds you will find yourself being excluded from social activities and being passed over to answer up at the meetings etc. You will be treated very carefully in case you might be... gasp... an apostate!!!
OK, I understand, Then I know I will be Marked if I ever attend another meeting. I don't plan on going back though. I can see how the WTS has control over the sheep and that is not what I want for myself.
R51785 , I respect your position. I attended a Unitarian church that quietly passed a
plate and I gladly contributed for the service. Nevertheless, there are churches out there
that put the squeeze on people and NOW they're imitating them.
Well I see things havent changed since we left they are still scamming money off people who cant afford it
We can all agree that holding a convention will cost money-- just try renting a place to hold a graduation party or wedding reception. But i can not see the way the cost is figured out. Anyway, my parents are allways telling me this--to keep my eyes simple. But with my seventy thousand a year job its kinda hard to not do anything with the money!!! And i also dont see the relation of donating money to conventions and khalls if your darn broke. I have a bro that i play tennis with and he told me he would not have a job that made him miss a meeting-- in fact he was fifteen minutes late to a meeting last month and he felt so bad he had to go to his bedroom that night and pray to Jehova for forgiveness to ease his conscience. So hes a pizza delivery person. He says he gets by ok and they have what they need but nothing more. So tell me if the Society wants us all to be broke who is going to donate or help others in need??? Now im not knocking this way of life---my parents live the same way where they are living where the need is greater and just getting by. They have their needs filled but nothing extra. They tell me stories of how they need money to go give a talk in another county and dont have the money but the day before someone brings them money or work to do that gets them there. Even leaving the house with no gas and picking up sisters out of the way and returning home from the meeting with more gas in the tank---the gas cap is locked. I tell them we have to tap into the spirit like this to learn how to use it. I believe that Jehova doesnt play favorites but holds all those who rely on him and tap into his spirit as worthy of life.
elvis, of course you're right, the Watchtower needs schooled and trained people, so if you just keep smiling, write down 12 hours, 8 magazines and 4 brochures, make 80% of the meetings, you've got the holy spirit.
w86 5/1 p. 12 Is Your Eye "Simple"? ***The ‘simple eye,’ rather than being distracted or sidetracked by everything that is going on, focuses its attention on only one thing... Jesus is here talking about goals in life, pointing out the futility of the pursuit of material things and the blessing of cultivating interest in spiritual matters. Clearly, he is telling us that by focusing our eyes singly on Kingdom interests, our "whole body will be bright." Why? Because if we make the doing of God’s will our goal in life, we will seek to reflect the glorious good news in every aspect of our lives.
Yeah, yeah, well actually keeping one's 'eye simple' is a Jewish colloquialism for being generous, that's all.
Oh, I just had to look something up regarding what metatron said. Here's a good one:
w65 12/15 p. 751 "We Should Not Neglect the House of Our God" ***To attend meetings in the churches of Christendom costs money, either because of having the collection plate, bag or bucket passed before an attender one or more times during a religious meeting, or because of having to pay for admission into the religious building. Many persons find themselves too poor materially to make these forced contributions. But with the true household of God there is no such financial barrier to bar them from coming to congregation meetings... free-will contributions can be made by members of the congregation as they are able to contribute. From this purpose a contribution box can be placed at a convenient spot for persons to drop in money contributions without showy display. We do not care to be like the religious hypocrites of our first century who did charitable works or alms-giving "in order to be observed by [men]; . . . that they may be glorified by men."
elvis said: I have a bro that i play tennis with and he told me he would not have a job that made him miss a meeting-- in fact he was fifteen minutes late to a meeting last month and he felt so bad he had to go to his bedroom that night and pray to Jehova for forgiveness to ease his conscience.
Oh brother..........is this guy for real? Yes, I'm sure Jehovah must've been very, very displeased at this brother's obvious lack of faith......I'm surprised Jehovah didn't either strike him dead or at least strike him and his family with leprosy.
It just makes me sick to see the insane feelings of guilt that this religion plants in people.......even at the height of my "glory" as a Dub, I would never have felt that I had to ask for forgiveness because I was late for a meeting......do they not think that the Almighty has other things to think about? Apparently not..........