"Brothers and sisters, open your hearts and your wallets." - Assembly day

by truthseeker 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    Jeff: Note the weasel word "genuine" they inserted just in front of "anointed." This is the dub version of "wink, wink." It's part of their secret code designed for those who "get" it.

  • Gill

    This is a topic. the never changing number of annointed that I had to shut my mouth firmly on the last time, (about 18 months ago) we were with JW family. They were discussing whether the figures of the annointed had dwindled enough for the end to be 'firmly upon us'. They are all elders, pioneers blah blah moose heads, (sadly).

    Anyway, I resisted the urge to tell them that the figures had not changed for yonks upon yonks.

    I wonder how they feel about the increase?!

  • TopHat

    It would be intersting to see a year by year number of partakers starting from the year 1935

    Is that information on this website somewhere?

  • atypical

    This happened at our special assembly day, too. There was a big surplus from the last assembly, more than enough to pay all of the expenses for this assembly, but they sent almost the entire amount to the society and then said 'we have a deficit'.

    Also, a few months ago a talk was given at our hall about contributing. The brother said that everything we have belongs to Jehovah, so if we don't contribute we are in effect stealing directly from him.

  • Gill

    ooooh! Nasty money grabbing bunch of good for nothings.....!

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    10:55 Song No. 9 and Announcements - "We would like to thank you for the co-operation regarding the matter of chewing gum..."

    So is chewing gum, on the list of worldly things ? Do demons occupy those little pieces? HL (the sugar-less gum lover)

  • gpp

    My son still has to attend meetings until he is 18. Every service meeting he says the PO gets up and works the group for more money for their new KH. Even requesting they write down what their monthly pledge is going to be. It sure is funny that was always one of the big selling points Jaydubs used, no collection plates or tidings only voluntary contributions. My standard question, if an all knowing, all seeing, omnipotent being runs this, why can't he just make it happen and not make a bunch of lower middle class folks foot the bill for a publishing company to expand?

  • hamsterbait

    "We are in the TOES of the image."

    Now we know why the Borg Stinks these days...


  • juni

    Remember we were always told, BY THEIR FRUITS YOU WILL KNOW THEM.

    Well, 2005, here we are. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. They are no different than the rest who ask for money. How dare they say they are different!! Things have changed GREATLY since we had started. Could hardly find the Contribution Box then. juni

  • misspeaches

    Ohhhh I hate that greedy hyprocritical organisation. How dare they condemn other churches for actions they themselves are not beneath doing.

    How can people sit at those assemblies and not realise how hypocritical it is. Either they (a) acknowledge it but are too fearful to think about it further in case they become marked or (b) they have been so WTBTS trained it seems completly appropriate to make such comments.

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