I just cant understand how you can have a relationship with somebody who you cant see. It's like whenever something good happens, praise be to God. When something bad happens...it's Satan. It's a cheap way out.
I'm not buying it! That people left the Witnesses and became Christians.
by free2beme 75 Replies latest jw friends
Breakfast at Cranberrys
I am sorry, but even if you deny the whole Witness faith, there is still parts to Christianity that they pointed out that you can not just ignore and act like it is okay to join another faith that is Christian.
Yeah, agreed to a point. I can't imagine joining a big denomination. But I'm a lot hazier on personal reflection/worship. I've got an agnostic bone in my body, that's for sure. I think (think!) there's a god, I'm just not sure what to do about it.
there's a god, I'm just not sure what to do about it.
If there is a god, it would appear HE/SHE/IT doesnt know what to do about it either !! LOL
Sam the Man
lol...yeah, I mean come on... jealousy is bad, but hey! He's a jealous God, right?!
The JWs were always right about 1 thing: RELIGION IS A SNARE AND A RACKET
Kid-A, you almost made me choke on that one!
i agree...its impossible to ignore the facts about religion provided by the JW, regardless of their own flaws
Free2beme, the quote I gave you was from this thread. I am not a JW, will never be one. I investigated the JW's and rejected them. But I did not reject Christianity. I'm not getting personal, but using myself as an example. If I am an exception to your "not buying it", then you need to get off your pedestal, dear. There are people who think differently than you, and they are OK.
It should not surprise you that people would accept Christianity even after hearing about their apparent problems from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The WTBTS does not have a good track record for getting their facts straight.
I think that you have to wash out all of that stuff that JW's taught you. They are the ones that taught you that other religions were bad! The nerve! They were the one bringing out all of the reasons why these other religions were bad, and me, I was just taking it all in! Like a dumb ass! They had me thinking that I couldn't do nothing but be a witness. Anything else, you're dead! Now, what the hell! I dunno! Live and learn!
They are the ones that taught you that other religions were bad!
I agree, but in many ways they are. I think the biggest problem with Organized Religion, is the Organized part. I am in a less organized philosophy now. More about thought and less about instructions. I see Christianity as way to much instruction, rules, judgement, etc.
I truly believe that if you leave the JWs' you can forget everything they taught you - or just choose actually - I've been out now for only 10 months and know that everything I was taught was a lie. I then attended a few services at New Ministries, but now I don't regularly go there. I believe totally different to what I knew as a witness- my faith is my affair, I fellowship as I feel the need or as I'm directed and that's it. I follow my God - I don't know if that makes me christian as most perceive christians to be, because even there I don't agree with everything.