Embarassing situation

by ColdRedRain 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    The other day, my mom foun pictures of me getting a lapdance. I was very embarassed when I saw it, but now she wants to read the bible to me so I won't go to strip clubs anymore.

    Can you say "pure hell"?

  • FMZ

    See CRR, you should have listened.... you went to HELL for getting a lapdance... lol


  • stillAwitness

    Ah, you men these days. Always pursuing your rights of passage through naked women and masturbation- but as soon as dear old mama catches you with your pants down (litterally) all of a sudden its an embaressement? Come on! She's human. I'm sure she's received a couple lap dances in her day-talk to her ya'll will joke about it later and move on.

    Or is she a jw??? well in that case- FLEE THE COUNTRY AND HAVE YOUR NAME CHANGED!

  • stealyourface

    Do you live at your Mom's house? Will she buy the excuse you were informal witnessing?

  • garybuss

    Here I'm aware of several elders who stuck up for sisters when they fell into immoral behaviors.

  • toby888

    Those pictures are from the Devil. Burn them now or you'll have Deemonz Deemonz Deemonz! Hail Watchtower!

  • Billygoat


    Where on earth would your mom find pictures of you getting a lap dance? On the internet? At home hidden in your sock drawer? Hidden in a box in the attic?

    Just curious...because sometimes we leave ourselves open to things that ultimately put us in these uncomfortable situations.


  • candidlynuts

    you could tell her you "spanked' your lap into submission and it wont happen again! lol

  • RichieRich

    recomend that she talk to the elders and pray abput her problem with viewing pornographic images.

    And when she replies "Well, its you in the picture!", then reply by saying that it doesn't make it okay just cause other people do it.

  • undercover

    How did you manage to get your picture taken inside a strip club? Camera's are a strict no-no in clubs I'm familiar with.

    Just curious, I'd love to know the secret, for, um, educational reasons....yea, that's it, educational reasons. edited to add: So what does Mom hope to accomplish with the Bible reading? Where does it say, "Thou shalt not receive lap dances"?

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