Embarassing situation

by ColdRedRain 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat
    My mom found 2 pictures of me getting a lapdance on my dresser. She also found some condoms and a wine bottle.

    This is just my opinion, so take it for what you will. But if I'm a grown adult, living at home with my widowed mother, KNOWING how she would react to such things, there is NO WAY on earth I would leave pictures, condoms, and alcohol out where she could find them. I'd have them under lock and key somewhere FAR AWAY.

    Just curious...how do the girls react when you say you're living at home with mom and you want to bring them to your room for a little romance?


  • doogie
    My mom found 2 pictures of me getting a lapdance on my dresser.

    jeez...that must've been one expensive lapdance. i hope your mom wasn't home.

  • ColdRedRain

    Billygoat, I do it in the girl's car or at a hotel room.

    Loubelle, I'm sure we can arrange something.

    I found a perfect way to hide my pictures of my adventures to strip clubs. Just put them in my CD wallet, which has a lock on it.

  • Nellie

    CRR - How about a real heart-to-heart with your mom about being an adult who is no longer subject to the rules and regs of the GB? If you are there to assist her, then she has to accept YOU, as an adult who doesn't have to be there, but is willingly. Would she rather you not be there? As long as you aren't "doin it" in her house, she really should be complaining.

  • luna2

    You're a good son, ColdRed, even if you do leave naughty pics and condoms on your dresser.

    Your mom can't help snooping. Moms tend to do stuff like that anyhow, and Jdub mom's are even more paranoid because they feel they must keep their household clean and pure from worldliness and smut in Jahooty's eyes.

    The CD case thing sounds like an excellent idea!

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