Embarassing situation

by ColdRedRain 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectre

    Just say that it was a photoshop gag and that you would never be caught in such a house of ill repute.

  • enigmatic

    lol photoshop gag that is good, i like that (mental note to self) hehe but really I mean there is nothing wrong in my humble opinion in some carnal pleasures as long as your not hurting yourself or others, just tell your mom why you thought it was ok to go there... J

  • Soledad

    CRR why is it any of your mama's business what you do and with whom and where?

  • misspeaches

    come now CRR... you can't just tell us the story and not reply to anyones questions...

    Pull your finger out lad!

  • ColdRedRain

    Yes, I still live at home. My mom is widowed and even though I can now afford to move out, I won't. I want to be there for her because I'm her only family. My brother moved out. As for the story, it's simple as that. My mom found 2 pictures of me getting a lapdance on my dresser. She also found some condoms and a wine bottle. She gave me a speach how I became immoral after I left the troof and more dumbass bullshit.

    I then went downstairs to have the biggest laugh in the world.

  • ColdRedRain

    Oh, and the club I went to, they take pictures of you getting lapdances on your birthday.

  • bikerchic

    Obviously she didn't even notice the sweet smile on your face.

  • Spectre

    "Birthday"? now you got even more 'splaining to do.

  • theinfamousone

    ive learned this a long time ago... my friends made me do it, im sorry mommy, and then cry a tear or two... its all good after that.... isnt it funny how JW moms feel comfortable snooping around their ADULT childrens rooms???? i moved out, invited them over to dinner and still caught my mom snooping in my room!! I WAS MAD AS HELL!

    the infamous one

  • LouBelle

    that's one thing I'd love to give - is a proper lapdance - full on music - the whole thing.

    Just bluntantly deny it.

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