It can be family or a stranger, just anyone you admire for some reason.
Name a person you admire for any reason
by JH 54 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Kirk
He was cool, especially with woman
He was cool, especially with woman
And someone told me he is gay. (my gay friend)
John Doe
Don Quixote, for not compromising his ideals, even when the world thought he was crazy.
Douglas Adams - Through his various books, essays, and speeches in which he made you look at your world in new ways, he added to the substance of the Universe.
John Doe
Ben Franklin, for being quoted as God most often: "God helps those who help themselves."
John Doe
My mom, for tolerating me until her death.
Warren Buffet....for sticking to his values when people thought he was crazy for not investing in what everyone else did during the heydays of the late 90's.
Lady Lee
Most of the people on this board for their courage to be ethical and honest and making their actions equal their words
All the survivors for looking at the truth of their pasts and rising above it
Amy Lee