For me, it was realizing that nearly every prophecy or commentary on a scriptural passage has changed. Througout the years, it's been new light, old light and even blinking light.
What Pushed You Out The Door Of The Watchtower?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
The last straw was the elders once again lying about telling lies even though I could absolutely prove it, witnessed by more than 2 people, facts.
Made me wonder if I could believe anything at any time that they said. My answer, NO.
Verbal & physical abuse by my JW husband, and the death of my son at the hands of the WTS.
I've only just exited, and it was the judgemental attitude of the elders, and the unloving doctrines, mainly shunning, that caused me to first doubt I had the truth. I've found out so much recently, reading on here and freeminds, to realise I had good reason for my doubts.
Nate Merit
Hi FullOfDoubtNow
I'm glad you're free of the WTBTS. That's wonderful. If the temptation arises to check out some other group, resist it. Joining herds never works out, unless you enjoy someone else doing your thinking for you, and imitating the herd makes you feel good. Obviously, that's not true in your case or you wouldn't be here.
Might I suggest this website to you?
Light and Life to you Full!
Nate Merit -
I'm gay...and I didn't feel that I was a bad person. I decided I had to choose between lying constantly (a sin, and a situation I hated being in) or living my life as I wanted to (also, a sin). I picked the one that involved the least personal compramise.
The attitude of the elders is a big thing. If they like you, you're ok, if not, it's an uphill battle. You're never pleasing God---just men.
Frannie Banannie
The WTS and its members, as a whole, giving only lip-service to brotherly/sisterly love.
My so called new family siding with themselves and not even trying to see my point of view after bending over backwards to get me in the truth.Reading COC has pretty much polished it off for me...even though I find myself making excuses for them all the time.
Take your pick...
JW wife commiting adultery...and not getting DF'd.
Brothers commiting adultery with my wife...getting promoted to elder.
Brother who commited adultery with my wife giving drugs (coke and weed) to my wife.
Brother who commited adultery with my wife giving drugs (coke and weed) to my kids...THANK GAWD they refused.
Ending up on a bogus JC for threatening the above mentioned "brother" with removal of his nadz... I was told that wasn't "christian" of me...
Having a JC LIE 100% about me and try to get me DF'd...and fail.
Having every friend and family member that is a Dub...not even WANT to help me and my kids...and leave us for dead.
Being SHUNNED for all the above...and told it was all my Jojoba would never let that happen to a REAL Witnoid.