What Pushed You Out The Door Of The Watchtower?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    But here's my question. Did anyone quit the JW's because of doctrine?

    Oh yes..most certainly!Im surprised no-one has mentioned the 1995 generation change (not to be confused with brucies generation game).That was the clincher for me...though it took 8 years to finally do something tangible...and get the hell out.

    An entire belief system tossed out the window in a few daft WT articles ..and hardly anyone batted an eyelid!!

    Also the celibate lifestyle wasnt really what i wanted....

  • dedpoet

    I didn't quit because of doctrine, it was the bad attitude of the elders that got rid of me, but I examined the doctrines after I left, saw through the bullshit, and realised it wasn't the truth or anything even resembling it. That made me resolve never to set foot in another kh, and I haven't done in almost 6 years.

  • GetBusyLiving

    This kid. Adrian Yates, killed by the Watchtower blood policy.

    Another dead hero.


  • lonelysheep
    Did anyone quit the JW's because of doctrine?

    Yes. Keep in mind, I never got baptized, but set a goal (I forget what month) to. Because time was pressing, I was determined to be "sure of all things."

    The more I studied their 1914 theory, the more my eyes opened up. I knew they couldn't prove it. It just wasn't true. Their reasoning made no sense. This was big! That was the first domino to fall.

  • Seeker4

    I enjoyed most of my time with the friends. I new a few really dreadful, asshole elders, but I knew how to deal with them, for the most part.

    No, for me it wasn't the elders or any of the Witnesses - it was simply no longer being able to believe the doctrine, the theology and the WTS "science." The change in the 1914 generation was a huge factor in this for me. Also, even as an elder conducting the studies in the Revelation book, I found the explanation that the resolutions of the assemblies in the 1920-30 period as being the "earth shaking" fulfillment of part of Revelation (don't have a book here or I could be more specific) as utterly ridiculous. NO ONE has any memory of them, or of any impact by them. There was lots more in that book that made no sense.

    It started with my losing faith in Witness theology, and ended with me losing all belief in the Bible and religion.


  • Mulan

    Lots of inconsistencies in doctrines, changes over the years, that are touted as "New Light", even if it was an older, recycled teaching, visiting Bethel and seeing it differently than I had imagined, not finding joy in pioneering, etc.

    The final nail in the coffin was reading Crisis of Conscience.

  • Scully

    This probably sounds pathetic, but I probably would have ignored all the doctrinal issues and remained a JW if it weren't for the incorrigibly $hitty way we were being treated by our congregation during a long stretch of illness and personal struggles. In fact, I decided that I would never set foot in a KH ever again when my JW Best Friend™ told me

    If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™ your three beautiful children would be better off if you take them out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will have a Resurrection™ in the Paradise™.

    That was the last straw.

  • Billygoat


    My screw-up initiated the move out. The elder's lack of "loving-kindness" kept me out... long enough to realize the horrible truth about the Society.

    This was my exact experience too. If I had to do it over, I wouldn't change a thing.

    (((((((Scully))))))) I'm so sorry. Isn't it comforting to know that we now understand what Real Friends are???

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    For me it had to be the ability to think for myself.

  • greendawn

    The lack of real christian love and charity by the super rich WTS corporation, demanding from others to be fully christians in their attitude to the org but the org not acting in the same way.

    The totalitarian faschist mentality: if you say the org has a wrong belief you will go out and even if the org later accepts that your point of view is correct there will be no apologies for you or re instatement (if you wish it)because you tried to run ahead of the org.

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