One of the biggest religions is the Catholic church. Personally, I find it to be so cultic. Yet millions are believers in that faith. For many, it takes a sexual abuse situation to occur and still----they don't want to leave. Why would most JWs leave their religion just for "logical" issues? No, more stay unless their REALLY being crapped on by the elders.
What Pushed You Out The Door Of The Watchtower?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
We left for doctrinal reasons also. We were in it because of doctrine and we left because of it.
It was a gradual process, but there was one thing that stands out as a watershed point. The June 15/89 Watchtower and the Aug 15/89 study article discussed Ps. 45:16, "Princes in all the earth". These two Watchtowers say that the Ps. applies to both the faithful men of old and faithful men of today. The Sept 1/89 Wt study article applies this same Ps. to only the faithful men of today.
It's a small and relatively unimportant point, but it made us choose which one we believed. They couldn't both be right, obviously. It also pointed to a possible schizm in the writing dept. Once we gave our minds permission to doubt a Watchtower, the whole belief structure started to unravel.
Another eye-opener was that nobody around us seemed to notice the flip-flop. It really highlighted how well everyone was listening.
Seeing good people(my parents, who I love dearly) neglect their health and financial responsibilities to themselves in favor of carrying a heavier load of responsibilities in the congregation. That was what flipped a switch in my brain.
It was a number of things that set me off. Like Scully, I was treated in a very shitty way by the congregations I was in, to the point where, while I was still a believer, I had no desire to survive armageddon™ and live in a world filled with such assholes. I had decided that, should I survive, I would shoot myself. I was enraged when I became aware of the scope of the child abuse problem and the Society's policies on it. That led me to do a thorough investigation of the doctrines and history of the organization.
In retrospect, I'm very happy that Jehovah's Witnesses treated me like shit, and that I had no friends to leave behind. It made it easier to do an honest investigation into my beliefs and the organization I was associated with, and it made it much easier to leave.
darth frosty
a 12/03 WT study article comparing our present to noah's day. it pointed out how when god decreed the destruction of the ungodly people of noah's day they had 120 years to repent while noah built the ark. Then it said some 90 years have past since 1914?!? WTF? you mean to tell me that there are 30 years left in this system and I haven't been saving for retirement. And then a MS 'friend of mine' (who later betrayed me) was discussing the article and he's like "thats not what they mean by that." why would they make the comparison if they were not trying to expand the time frame for the end.