pray to tetragod, and experience something you never have before...

by tetrapod.sapien 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I thought your blasphemy important, then I realised it said you is impotent.

    Shucks! Just as I was wrapping myself in sticky tape so I wouldn't split open.

    Seriously the dark cheekpouches of suffering await all who blaspheme Hamstergod.

    HB (of the "my god is better than your god" class)

  • Scully
    scully, i have photo documentation of my virility, and that ross is talking out his holy blow-hole. please reconsider lovey.

    Considering what Ross said about pustules and such.... ummm .... I think I'll need the all clear from your physician... in writing!!!! (Although it seems pretty gay of you to be showing your equipment to Ross, and for Ross to be checking it out.... )

    And you still have to find me first.

    We can be friends though.

  • LittleToe

    Alas, I've never been to the great "Canada" above the Americas.

    I was told about the great tetragod by Gumby a man, I know not whether in the body or out of the body who saw a bright red rash light in the East with flowing sores robes and white crusts hair.

    He fainted before the vision of abomination loveliness and woke to his mother an angel shaking his shoulder, whereupon he did take and eat his breakfast a scroll. It was sweet to his taste but bitter to his belly. And that'll teach him to swallow!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ross my little imp,

    now that you have ruined my chances with scully, let me just say that i don't know what the correlation between STDs and impotence is in your little scottish world, but i am afraid to ask. it seems you have a preoccupation with both. hmmm? could there be some psychological projection issues afoot here? ho ho ho, of course not.

    but this is cool hey ross? pals with two gods now, hmmm? next time you talk with jesus, tell him i challenge him to an indian leg wrestle for dominance of the universe. i work 9 to five, but would be happy to meet him on a coffee break. i'll PM you the location details. OH wait! jesus is omniscient, isn't he? well, then, what am i thinking, he already knows where i work. please let me know if he accepts.

    and let my lovely subjects bear witness to the response time, and response of the lord jesus to an indian leg wrestle.

    sincerest of regards,



  • Cygnus

    May I take this opportunity to voice my allegiance to the tetragod. May he bless me as he sees fit. Amen and amen, yea verily!

  • LittleToe

    He already won, and that with one leg nailed behind his back...

    That's the joy of being omnipotent!

  • gumby
    He already won, and that with one leg nailed behind his back...

    Yer forgetting he loses too. Ol' Jacob kicked his arse when he was a youngen. If Jehovah woulda aged like Jacob did....I'll bet Jacob coulda whipped him a second time. He's powerful for a little guy who hated red stew.


  • LittleToe

    Naww, they were Indian leg wrestling and He's still the champ! Jacob lost when his leg got dislocated, but continued on to do some funny stuff with a half-nelson!

  • gumby

    I bet Esau coulda kicked both their arses cuz he could hunt and stuff


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Oh mighty Tetragod, I humbly offer this goat on my hibachi in hopes of currying your favor. Please, please, please don't let USC win the national championship, bestow your bountiful blessings my beloved Ohio State Buckeyes instead.

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