Almost all of the troubles experienced by people in this forum have been caused by "BIBLE BELIEVERS"
Most of the quotes that inspire you are simply common sense. Every culture has "wise sayings".
Here are a few quotes I would have liked to have seen in a book by the creator of all things.
"Boil the water."
"The earth is not a flat circle but a spherical ball"
"You think with that soft stuff inside your skull - yes you have a BRAIN"
"I Jehovah am going to set the example and quit having tantrums."
"Wombs are not just soil - fertile or infertile"
"Semen does not have little people. They are half - people. The other half is already in the woman"
"Man is Woman without a Womb"
"Listen to the women and obey them just like you listen and obey the male leaders"
"Circumcision? What is circumcision. I never told you to do something so stupid."
"Women can divorce their husbands"
"People who have convulsions are not demon possessed"
etc. etc.