Masonic Infiltration of this board

by stillajwexelder 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • mdb
    Forget the masons, I hear the Elk's Lodge is the new underground power to be dealt with.

    The Elk's Lodge is a branch of Freemasonry. The same as Demolay International, Shriner's (founders of Shriner's Children Hospital), KKK, the Mofia, etc. Even Mormonism has it's roots in this secret society.

    You want to know about Freemasonry, go to this web page and download the book called Freemasonry On Trial (*.pdf format). It has no copywrite on it. It's a good start.

  • daystar

    The KKK is a splinter group, not a branch of Freemasonry.

    The Mafia? You have got to be kidding me! That one I have never heard.

    As for the rest, I cannot disagree.

  • mdb
    The KKK is a splinter group, not a branch of Freemasonry.

    In the book I just mentioned, it states the below. If you're still not convinced, research it yourself. It is true.

    One of the topics of discussion in this manual deals with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). I truly expect that it will be distressing for most Masons to learn that the KKK is only one of many organizations created and maintained by the inner circle and doctrines of Freemasonry. These doctrines demonstrate the truth of Masonry to what every Mason has sworn in solemn oath to blindly uphold under penalty of death. The death penalty coincidentally becomes a very apt description of the wages of Masonry once the truth has been revealed and understood. This truth may well be considered a warning to each and every Mason, the personal jeopardy of their spiritual lives in what should be carefully examined in an eternal context. In considering the KKK further, I will draw upon a small portion of a lengthy discussion written by William J. Whalen in his book titled "Handbook of Secret Organizations" contained on pages 94 and 95 as follows:

    "The new Klansman was inducted into the secret society in a lodge room which featured an altar with an American flag, sword, and Bible opened to the twelfth chapter of Romans. After instruction in the principles of the Klan and a prayer the initiates knelt on their right knee and swore the Klan oath. It was given in two parts:

    I, ....., in the presence of God and man, solemnly pledge, promise, and swear unconditionally that I will faithfully obey the constitutions and laws and will willingly conform to all regulations, usages, and requirements of the Ku Klux Klan which do now exist or which may be hereafter enacted, and will render at all times loyal respect and steadfast support to the Imperial Authority of same, and will heartily heed all official mandates, decrees, edicts, rulings and instructions of the Imperial Wizard thereof. I will yield prompt response to all summonses, I having knowledge of same, Providence alone preventing.

    A little later the recitation of the oath was continued:

    I most solemnly swear that I will forever keep sacredly secret the signs, words, grips, and any and all matters and knowledge of the K.K.K. regarding which a most rigid secrecy must be maintained, which may at any time be communicated to me, and will never divulge them nor cause same to be divulged to any person in the whole world. I will die rather than divulge same. So help me God! Amen.

    All the top officials of the revived Klan were Masons, most of them also active in the Scottish rite. When Klan recruiters visited a new town they concentrated on the local Masons since they were already presumed to be anti-Catholic and anti-Negro and accustomed to swearing oaths and preserving lodge secrecy."

    Pike seems to have been definitely influenced by the Italian Freemason and revolutionary, Giuseppi Mazzini (1805-1872). Mazzini and Pike were the malignant "Bobbsey Twins" of 19th century Masonry, with Pike running the show in the States and Mazzini in Europe. Both were military men with noses for rebellion. Pike was a general on the side of the Confederacy in the Civil War, even though he was a 'Yankee' born in Boston!

    Mazzini had formed a society in Sicily called the Oblonica, which translates loosely as "I reckon with a dagger." As is typical with the Masons, Mazzini formed an order within an order. This elite inner group was called by a term much more familiar to the reader – the Mafia!

    Although most people know what the Mafia is, few people realize it was founded as a Sicilian Masonic terrorist organization. The name Mafia emerged around 1860 and is an acronym for Mazzini autorizza furti, incendi, avvelenamenti – Mazzini authorizes thefts, arson and poisoning.

    Illuminati touches are also evident in the Mafia. Remember the Illuminati Law of the fives and their sign – the hand with palm forward and five digits extended? Some people may remember that the Mafia was known by another term, Il Mano Nigro – the Black Hand! In the society's heyday, Mafia crimes were often sealed by a black handprint at the scene, as if someone had taken their palm, pressed it in ink and then made a hand print on the wall.

    The Mafia also has its blood oaths, its code of silence, the Omerta, and it does "take care of its own." It is an ideal Masonic organization.

    Pike, on the other hand, helped create what I call "Masonry in percale," the Ku Klux Klan! Pike, the old Confederate general, was a wily strategist who knew that if he could leave behind a secret terrorist society in the south to fight against freedom for black people as a rear guard action, the south's defeat might not be in vain.

    In 1870, Pike and Mazzini completed an agreement to create a supreme universal rite of Masonry, which would over-arch all the other rites, even the different national rites. It would centralize all high Masonic bodies in the world under one head. This head would be, in the ultimate sense, Lucifer. However, Pike and Mazzini would be his human regent. To this end, the Palladium rite was created as the pinnacle of the pyramid of power.

  • jaffacake

    OOps Swalker

    Sorry, I didn't see the fluff through not reading all the posts (blushes & crawls under a stone).

    SWALKER's o.k. just say something satirical and no one will I did! (crawling under boulder)


  • Ianone

    If Freemasons controlled this board, I would not be here. More disinfo artists on this lame thread.

  • bitemeWT

    Well, this just shows how much I know. I thought masons were just ppl that built houses!

    My grandfather was a mason... my grandmother an Eastern Star. My mother said their little "club" was demonized, but hey, to a JW EVERYTHING is demonized.

    Figures... I've got cults on both sides of my family.

  • GentlyFeral


    Oooh, can I be a Rosi-thingy?

    "Rosicrucian." Your average Rosicrucian is about as crazy-stodgy as your average Spiritualist (American Order of the Rosy Cross; The Rosicrucians). I've been reading a couple of their books lately, originally published in 1929 and still in print. There is, however, some good counsel there - antidotage for the most credulous members of the affirmations-&-rainbows crowd.

    gently feral

  • Satanus


    Oooh, can I be a Rosi-thingy?

    A cool guy i worked w and became friends w is one. He got them to send me one of their cool pamphlets w cool pics, cool stuff, a bit of propaganda, and all on scented paper. How sauve is that? They do quite a few spiritual exercises, some that i had already started on my own. You would probably like it. You do need a sponser. Unfortunately, i didn't join, so i can't help you there. If you root around demon infested england or scotland (home of the scottish rite, knights templar, loaded w witches and sundry ne'r do wells like kelts and pirates), i'm sure that you could get an in.


    Ps, my buddy told me that there are two branches of rosies. Naturally, one is good and the other bad. Choices, choices.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    my head hurts from all this Masons talk

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