If spirits exist, and really communicate with some people, then why...

by AlmostAtheist 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist
    The point I was trying to bring out is they can't tell us things because they are 'trapped' between the two places...they did not cross over!

    I could accept that in some if-this-is-true-then-that-could-also-be-true sense.

    But even then, these trapped souls could still offer insights that don't ever seem to be asked for. You meet someone that lives 500 miles from you and you tend to ask them what it's like where they live. Then you meet someone on entirely different plane of existence and you ask them all sorts of nonsense. It doesn't make sense to me.

    The "trapped between worlds" bit bothers me, too. We're assuming they are dead people. Dead people were once live people, and live people are remarkably resilient. After a few years of being "trapped", dontcha think they'd just get on with whatever life they could live? I know that if I found myself trapped in a house for all eternity, I'd have to start doing SOMETHING. I surely wouldn't stand around screaming and regenerating images of how I died.

    (Easy to say when I'm not actually dead, eh?)


  • Legolas

    In the show I seen the other night one of the 'ghost's' had died giving birth to a baby ( I think) and she was looking for the baby, but the medium told her that the baby was still born or something so that it had crossed over right away!

    What I got out of the show was that they really don't know anything or what is going on, like in the case of the mother, all she could was look for the baby.

  • AlmostAtheist
    What I got out of the show was that they really don't know anything or what is going on, like in the case of the mother, all she could was look for the baby.

    But that doesn't make any sense. She wouldn't act that way when she was alive, so why would she act that way when she died?

    This isn't an argument against the idea of spirits, just trying to reason on what we could expect from spirits, and then compare that to the stories told about them. My expectations (based on what? guesses) don't match up with the experiences. I'm trying to see why.



    AA, I think it's the same issue of trying to prove that there is a God or not. There really isn't any test that we can do to prove/disprove this theory. Some people think it is all in one's head, others believe it's people that can't/haven't crossed over, others believe it's a demonic force, etc. Hopefully one day, in our lifetimes, we'll find out the TRUTH!!!


  • juni

    All I can say is that I'd love to have Swayze's arms around me. oooooooooooooooo and that kiss. Juni

  • Legolas

    I know what you are saying, I wish I would have caught the whole show but I only started watching it half way!

    They were asking some questions, like one of the spirits was an older woman who didn't like men, because one of the owners used to force the staff to have sex with him, anyway they were asking questions about that and other stuff.

  • vitty

    I was listening to a medium on the telly and she said the only spirits she couldnt get contact with were..............JWs !!!!!

    At the time it just confirmed my beliefs, but she said it was because they had such a strong belief system when they were alive , they couldnt let it go when they were dead. Now thats what I call indoctrinated

  • Jez

    "We don't die" Conversations with the other side. Author: George Anderson

    Very interesting book. Says that the spirits don't answer questions that they think we should not know. He says that he does not control the conversation, THEY do and they often have a very specific agenda.

    His best guess as to why they don't answer the "what is over there" question is because if we knew, it would change too much of how we lived our lives. Bascially, the philosophy that "it is not the destination, it is the journey"


  • anewme

    My new mother in law insists she is in touch with spirit guides.
    Both my husband and I just shrug our shoulders and leave her alone. Because otherwise she is a terrific and loving person.
    But we see definite patterns in her revelations that she refuses to acknowledge.
    Errors, errors, errors, and back peddling.

    The only one she's been right about is me and my halo aura!

  • jaffacake


    You're right. It also reminds me of fortune tellers or clairvoyants who mostly discuss what happened in the past, stuff you already know. But they too never address the important questions or issues concerning your future.

    Actually, I've worked out how they do it and find it quite easy. Like you, I'm not one for magical thinking!

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