Derrick: There are tons of holes in the "demon" theory. Drop by the house some night, we'll drink beer, throw darts, and bat it around.
Tell me where you are and I will
by AlmostAtheist 41 Replies latest jw friends
Derrick: There are tons of holes in the "demon" theory. Drop by the house some night, we'll drink beer, throw darts, and bat it around.
Tell me where you are and I will
There are so many dead scientists. Couldn't some of them come up with a more effective method of communication?
hahaha tru enough!
Little Toe makes a good point. Where does it say that when you die you become enlightened? How would a dead person (spirit) be able to know about the future or even someone elses past?
Re: Demons
There is a line in A Course In Miracles that speaks to the point. "That which you defend against, you make real to your own mind".
Unless you're working under the assumption that "spirits" are omnipresent, omniscient and genuinely want to pass on something meaningful, why on earth should they work any differently?
Yeah, but the thing is, Dave's contention is not that spirits should know everything. It's just that, from most accounts, they don't seem to know much of anything.
I can sit down with any stranger and, provided that the stranger is amiable, have a nice conversation, learn new things, exchange ideas, and so on. I'm willing to accept the premise that spirits can pick and choose their associates. And I could accept that there are some smart spirits and some dumb ones. I could certainly accept that, like humans, there are friendly ones and mean-spirited (hee hee) ones. I have no problem with that.
The people I have known who have claimed to have spirit encounters were either high at the time, or are clearly insane. Shouldn't we expect at least some of the time that friendly and knowledgeable spirits would have a nice lucid dialog with a normal person? If I can talk to a normal old human and gain totally novel information, surely a being who has been somewhere I have never been could offer some interesting tidbits. Why do they only talk to crazy or stoned people?
It just doesn't make a lot of sense.
Yeah, but the thing is, Dave's contention is not that spirits should know everything. It's just that, from most accounts, they don't seem to know much of anything.
So you're suggesting that a dead guy is much like a live guy, insomuch as he knows squat about anything except football and titty-bars?
So you're suggesting that a dead guy is much like a live guy, insomuch as he knows squat about anything except football and titty-bars?
At least the dead WOMEN ought to know something, though, right? ;-)
(Dead JW's don't count 'cause they believe they're demons now.)
Here's a question: Are blonde dead women still blonde in the spirit world?
No dave you are not being stupid. Frankly those who communicate with, so called dead, are really getting in contact witht the Demons. Now thats STUPID!
Unless you know this from experience rather than just 'cause someone else told you so, you really can't say for certain, now can you?
Jesus conversed with demons, did he not? Was he stupid?
I've only seen a few Ghost Hunter episodes. I don't mean to be overly cynical, but that show looks like a "reality show" complete with mocked-up contention and soap opera-like expressions. The TAPS team present themselves as trying to find the truth, but then get scared/shocked when something actually happens.
I understand that they are trying to appear genuinely skeptical, but it has a wink,wink feel to it. They seem to say, "This could simply be earth tremors or a passing train" in the same way that the Watchtower says [whatever] is a "conscience matter".
I know how it feels! It feels JUST like reading those stupid "The Case For Faith" and "The Case For Christ" books by that one author. Those books present themselves as if they are unbiased, seeking the truth, when it is obvious in reading them that this is not even remotely the case. That's exactly the same sneak-it-in-the-backdoor feeling I get from watching Ghost Hunters.
Solid entertainment. But investigative? Nah.
I think that we just about have it figured out AA....Here is a summary for you to look over and I'm sure it will help you as much as it did me:
AA-----Ghost Hunters
Jaff-----It's all fraud
Lt------Spirits are picky on who they communicate with
LDH---Wind/Wizard of Oz stuff
Atypical---Nothing there
Daystar---Jesus was not stupid, he talked with demons
Legolas--Trapped Spirits
Last but not least...
Swalker---There is a force..."May the force be with you!"
Sorry if I left anyone out...some just posted comments not views.
By the looks of this summary, I'd say we just about have a definite breakthrough.....