did any of you ever feel like that when you were losing everything?
Yep, and to an extent I have permanently lost (thrown away?) my "family & friends". But, I have since made true friends who will be my friends regardless of my religious decisions. I have some genetic family (sisters & a cousin, uncle or 2) that I keep as a permanent part of my life (all out of the org). But I have a new family made up of my wife, her parents & some very close friends that all understand and care about me more thatn my parental units ever did. My inlaws have actually been better parents to me than my own over the last several years. My new family has been with me, supported me and loved me unconditionally through thick and thin.
While you may suffer a loss of family (and this hurts, alot trust me) now, there is much much more out there and many people that will care about you and love you for who you are, not who they wish you were.
I wish you well, put Chris (my wife) & I on the "new family list"
Big Willy