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by watch the tower 126 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Atlantis

    Located in the 2nd category blocked area scrolling down. http://www.state.ny.us/governor/press/04/june24_4_04.htm


    Projects Will Enhance Generation Capacity and Improve Energy Efficiency

    Governor George E. Pataki today announced more than $15 million to support 52 distributed generation and combined heat and power projects throughout the State. The projects are designed to increase the availability of clean, efficient and much-needed generation capacity, and support the development of advanced technologies for use in combined heat and power applications.

    The Governor also announced today that several New York State projects have received special Certificates of Recognition from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, including: a New York Power Authority project that installed eight biogas-fueled fuel cells at wastewater treatment plants in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island; and a project that installed two natural gas-fueled engines at the Greater Rochester International Airport. The Certificates of Recognition were presented today at a Combined Heat and Power conference hosted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in New York City.

    “New York State is a national leader in promoting advanced energy technologies that are helping to clean our air, improve our energy security, and encourage sustainable economic development,” Governor Pataki said. “These projects will help us achieve our ambitious goal of becoming a world leader in developing clean energy technologies. By supporting the use of advanced technologies such as fuel cells, micro-turbines and clean generators, our investments are helping to reduce energy costs, protect our environment and ensure the availability of reliable power for energy consumers throughout the State.”

    The 52 projects being funded by NYSERDA represent a total investment of $66 million in advanced distributed generation and combined heat and power initiatives when co-funding for the projects is factored in. These projects will enable commercial, agricultural, and industrial energy users to generate their own electricity, while using waste heat from the electric generation equipment for productive purposes, such as space or water heating.

    Over the last two years, NYSERDA has funded 75 combined heat and power system demonstration projects that are in various stages of development, with 22 projects currently operating.

    NYSERDA President Peter R. Smith said, “With Governor Pataki's support, the Empire State has more installations of distributed generation technologies and combined heat and power systems than many states combined. Since we initiated this program three years ago, there has been tremendous interest in combined heat and power from commercial and industrial energy users because the technology provides control over energy costs, added reliability and potential economic benefits in today’s power market.”

    Public Service Commission Chairman William M. Flynn said, “The financial assistance provided to these projects reflects New York State's commitment to developing economical, efficient, and clean DG and CHP systems. We are also working closely with the industry to identify and eliminate regulatory barriers preventing the widespread use of DG and CHP, with the goal of creating a sustainable market for these technologies to meet our future energy needs.”

    Combined heat and power applications provide much greater overall efficiency than centralized power plants by taking advantage of the heat waste generated and turning it into usable energy. The efficiency of a typical combined heat and power system approaches 70 percent, while the overall efficiency of centralized power plants is about 35 percent due to generator heat losses at centralized plants, and transmission losses in delivering power from the plant to the customer.

    As evidence of the interest in combined heat and power, NYSERDA reviewed 117 proposals seeking $27 million in funding for $109 million worth of projects. The 52 projects were selected after a rigorous technical evaluation of each proposal to determine the likelihood of success as well as the economic and environmental benefits associated with the proposed projects. NYSERDA will award the $15.1 million pending successful negotiations with each of the 52 winners.

    Among the projects selected for funding:

  • NYSERDA is providing $1 million is assistance to the New York Times Company for a $4 million 1,500kW natural gas-fired combined heat and power system project at its new high performance/green-design 52-story headquarters on Times Square. The project will help reduce energy costs and air pollution, while reducing load congestion in a critical mid-town Manhattan area.
  • Kraft Foods in Campbell, NY will install an anaerobic digestion system at its cheese plant that will use whey waste to generate methane to fuel the plant’s steam system. In the process, one old natural gas-fired boiler will be retired. This renewable fuel project will generate 1,000kW of electricity and reduce landfill and disposal costs. NYSERDA provided $960,000 toward the total $2,399,979 project investment by Ecovation and Kraft Foods.
  • Grand Central Terminal in mid-town Manhattan, operated by Metro North Railroad, a division of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, will install a pair of 200kW fuel cell systems to provide power for critical security loads even during a local power failure. The two UTC Power phosphoric acid fuel cells will be owned and operated by the New York Power Authority that supplies electricity to the facility. NYSERDA provided $311,362 towards the project cost of $2,075,750.

    A complete list of projects by county is attached.

  • PON-800 Site-Specific DG/CHP Feasibility Studies - Category B

    Award Winner

    Proposal Title


    by County






    Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District

    Cayuga Regional Digester and Bioenergy Enterprise, Phase I Feasibility Study

    Natural Resource Center

    Cayuga County



    ECO Technology Solutions, LLC

    City of Auburn Regional Digester and Bioenergy Enterprise, Phase I Feasibility Study

    Auburn Municipal Landfill





    County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency, NY (CCIADA)

    Feasibility Study to Retrofit Dunkirk Electric Generating Station to CHP Operation

    Dunkirk Electric Generating Station





    Delta Pressure Generation Systems, LLC

    Natural Gas Pressure Letdown Generation

    Multiple sites

    Kings +



    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    Watchtower - 117 Adams Street Complex Combined Heat and Power Feasibility Study






    Columbia University

    Columbia University Proposed Manhattanville Campus Expansion CHP Plant

    Columbia University


    New York



    Griffiss Utility services Corporation

    Griffiss Biomas Gasification CHP Plant

    Griffiss Business and Technology Park





    Skidmore College

    Skidmore College Combined Heat and Power Plant Feasibility

    Skidmore College

    Saratoga Springs




  • Atlantis

    From Rado: http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/lovecom.htm Advertising by means of TV commercials has probably gained them millions, and influenced the minds of some who wanted to sue the Watchtower Society for child abuse cases! People sitting on a jury who see these TV commercials could be influenced to look upon the Watchtower in a more favorable light! Watchtower commercial
    "Love Builds Happy Families" on TV

    by Rado Vleugel

    Don't be surprised when you see a Watchtower commercial while watching your favorite channel!

    The Watchtower commercial starts off with a mother checking on her son, who can't sleep. The young boy is upset and has a drawing in his hand depicting the World Trade center attacks. The mother comforts her child by reading the Scriptures. The narrator of the commercial tells that in these troubling times, you should take the time to talk to your children. The audience can call a toll free number for further information.

    The radio was used extensively in the 1920's and 1930's by the Watchtower Society. By 1933 the Society was using 403 radio stations to broadcast its message. Later this was replaced by house to house visits. Is it because Jehovah's Witnesses aren't as active in their preaching work as they used to be that they are returning to this old habit by using the television?

    The fact that the commercial is about taking care of children could also indicate that the Public Affairs Office of Jehovah's Witnesses tries to divert the attention from the recent sexual child abuse cases among the Witnesses.

  • TopHat

    I think it is just another tool for recuitment. Call this toll free number...but they don't tell you they will send someone over to start a Bible study in their way of teaching.

  • AuldSoul

    Has anyone done a deep delve into the CO car program? I wonder how much they charge for the vehicles v. how much they paid...and why is it okay to use the connections of the brotherhood for used car sales but not for herb sales and sale of shaman services?

    Who runs the CO car business? Who is the Insurance carrier and how much of a percentage does the agent who represents them get?

    If this has aleady been done, please point me in the right direction.


  • Atlantis

    http://www.prospect.org/print-friendly/webfeatures/2001/01/mooney-c-01-29.html "President Bush has selected John J. DiIulio Jr., a political science professor, to head a first-ever federal office for integrating religious institutions more fully into federally financed social services, several Bush advisers said."

    -- The New York Times

    January 29, 2001

    Dear President Bush,

    Thank you so much for offering me a position as director of the White House's newly founded Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. I would love to serve in the new administration, and humbly accept the job.

    As you're well aware, a lot of people are going to criticize us for trying to bring federal subsidies to faith-based social organizations. Church-state separationists, in particular, say it's just a tacit way of spreading religion under the auspices of government. But don't worry: I'm not afraid of criticism. After all, back in Egypt, many heaped scorn upon the Israelites. And we all know what happened to them.

    Actually, though, I must admit I don't anticipate many real difficulties in establishing and running the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The enthusiasm out there is really encouraging. Already, I've been contacted by a number of religious service organizations that are eager to enter into a more lucrative financial relationship with the government. I've enclosed a short list of some of the charities that have been in touch with me:

    The Wiccan Harry Potter Reading Room. In the interest of furthering youth literacy and strengthening pre-kindergarten learning and enrichment programs, Wiccans want to establish nationwide reading rooms where Pagans and witches will read to children from the best-selling novels by J.K. Rowling. The goal, beyond helping teach kids to read, is instilling in the young a sense of the supernatural that surrounds and envelops all of us. You know, kind of like "the force" in Star Wars.

    The Moonie Marriage Counseling Center. As you've said, one of the express goals of your administration will be to strengthen American marriages and families through initiatives like eliminating the marriage penalty from the tax code. But families need moral as well as financial support, and Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church has the perfect program to help out. Based on the core principle that marriage will help create divine rule on earth, the center will provide advice and counseling to couples who are having marital difficulties. The Unification Church has an amazing track record in terms of promoting marriage, sometimes marrying thousands of couples at one time! I really think that we couldn't possibly be in better hands with this program.

    The Jehovah's Witness Meal Delivery Program. Jehovah's Witnesses want to receive government funds in order to launch a free meal delivery service to help out the poor and disabled. Jehovah's Witnesses will go door to door delivering meals, preparing the food, and also helping the disabled out with various household chores and errands. Actually, I believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses have already started the program, as they seem to be going door to door even though they have not yet received government funding. Let's speed this one along!

  • Atlantis

    CRUDE OIL REFUNDS http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/refunds/2002/September/rk27201885.htm Case No. RK272-01885

    September 5, 2002



    Supplemental Order

    Names of Cases: Watchtower Bible & Tract Society

    Dates of Cases: July 14, 1995

    Case Numbers: RK272-01885

    Pursuant to the long-standing policy of the Department of Energy (DOE), thousands of purchasers of petroleum products have applied for, and been granted, refunds from crude oil overcharge funds under the jurisdiction of the DOE’s Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA). See Statement of Modified Restitutionary Policy To Be Implemented In Crude Oil Cases, 51 Fed. Reg. 27899 (August 4, 1986). The standards for considering Applications for Refund from these crude oil funds are set forth at 10 C.F.R. Part 205, Subpart V.

  • AuldSoul
    January 29, 2001

    Dear President Bush,

    (psst!) I think this one was satire.


  • Atlantis

    http://www.american-car.net/parts/IN/Elwood/ Elwood, Indiana Car Parts
    > Sitemap > US > Indiana > Elwood IN

    To get listed in the directory, please click here

    General Listings

    7609 West State Rd 28, Elwood, IN

    Bob's Auto Parts
    1900 North D Street, Elwood, IN

    Jehovah's Witnesses
    8457 West 1700 North, Elwood, IN

    Kutche Chevrolet-oldsmobile-pontiac-buick-geo Inc
    Highways 13th & 37, Elwood, IN

    Wyant Ford Inc
    1504 North B Street, Elwood, IN

  • Atlantis

    Circuit Leasing:

    Circuit Leasing Scans. Takes a few seconds for scans to download. May need to cut and paste. http://www.kent.steinhaug.no/forum/showthread.php?s=6c86d01f2c68b293b486bdd176c6a70d&threadid=3469 Circuit Leasing Main Page. http://www.circuitleasing.com/

  • AuldSoul

    Thanks for the links, Atlantis. I got a Madzay calendar and few postcards along with a letter from them this year. YAY!

    I was wondering more about where the money goes from this. I know it is supposedly a private venture, but I would love to know how the dots connect. WHO is getting a big payoff from dealing in the used CO/DO cars? I know who pays for the car to begin with, I just want to know whether that money comes back to those who pay for the car. (yeah right...)


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