by ruari 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Heathen, I'm not sure what you are referring to. I found the whole article useful. How does it look on your browser?

    Do you feel less safe and secure than say, ten years ago? Are you safer than, say, two generations back?

    I do believe, overall, our world IS getting better. We're wiping diseases off the map.

    I truly believe that world leaders are having more and more trouble justifying their wars to the general public. There is a sense of WORLD community growing, and we are less and less interested in wiping ourselves off the map. For my great-uncle's generation, it was glory to go to war. No longer. And as modern conflicts can attest, (Afghanistan, Vietnam) a war that is unpopular with it's nation eventually fails.

  • TopHat

    Welcome to the board, I can remember when it was safe to go to the airport and your relative who was not flying with you could actually come on board with you until it was time to close the doors. That of course was when I was a little kid flying off to see Grandma. I believe it was in 1995 when the airlines started asking for your ID. Then 9/11 happened and we have all kinds of security in place at airports. The world is not as safe as it use to be even with safty measures in place. There are more and more Pedophles coming out of the closet and getting away with their bad deeds. Trust has turned to paraniod of anyone who is a stranger and not a stranger. Gangs on the street killing the innocent for wearing the wrong color in their hood. Yep! Their hood! Police turniing their back on crime. etc etc etc.......I am NOT a JW btw

  • avishai

    For Armani, and others led around by stats.

  • Golf

    Let me see, back in my days we didn't have to have locks on our doors, today, we have locks, alarm systems, watch dogs and camera's guarding our place of residents. No, things haven't changed since my days, I'm just delusional.


  • jgnat

    Golf, I lived in the West Indies in when I was a little girl. Wealth was stratified, and wealthy whites like us were targets. Homes were built like fortresses, and armed gangs roamed the streets at night. No street lights.

    Castles? Fortresses. Roman homes? Fortresses.

    In the long view, I still think we're better off today.

  • Golf

    jgnat, what year was that? I'm familiar with stories of that nature.

    Our community is no longer the same as the past. Community members use to help others to build their homes, help to plow the garden, yes, people use to help their neighbors, today, its all for oneself. Greed is far more prevalent than ever before.

    If you were to given a choice, I would go back to my days than the present. I sit with community members every morning at one of our local coffee shops and we always manage to talk about the serious changes in our community. They just shrug their shoulders and shake their heads to the changes taken place. These people I sit with are of different faiths.


  • Kaput
    I'm really starting to think I would like to become a history buff.

    Fuhgeddaboutit! Trying to sort through what's true and what's revisionist would do a JW on your brain. BTW, the world is getting better. That's why I just bought an M-60 with 10,000 rounds of ammo.

  • heathen


    Do you feel less safe and secure than say, ten years ago? Are you safer than, say, two generations back?

    I have to say no on all that stuff . Despite the fall of the soviet union which was a big threat they still feel that all the nuclear arms they built up can fall into the wrong hands , such as terror networks . I think there is much more mental illness today than in the past . I don't even concern myself about petty crime, I think violent crime is on the rise and probly because there are more people and less tolerance . I think environment conditions are deteriorating as well . Air quality is down like 10% in the past 20 years .

  • jgnat

    Golf, I was in the West Indies in the sixties.

    Heathen, I would go along with feeling "less safe in our homes" from ten years back. But no way would I agree we are worse off today than say, the turn of the century. Or, say, during the Crusades and the black plague. Or, say, when the huns were sweeping the plains.

    Air quality is far improved from the day of coal-burning industry.

  • JT

    I have always found this topic interesting since leaving the jw-

    and what i see are really two complete and separate issues.

    1. Are conditions in the world getting worst or better

    2. Does those conditions have anything to do with THE World Ending

    and to me - addresssing the second question is the most important-

    bible believer will typically say things are worst, end round the corner- morals are gone- you can see Victoria Secret women in Mall windows- world will end soon

    non believers will say things are better- aren't you reading this post off the NET- Columbus didn;t use a GPS to find the americas-

    and the battle goes on- smile

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