Do you care if DefD stays a JW or not?

by AlmostAtheist 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist
    It is not about RULES only. There is also the SPIRIT of the law that I go by as well.

    And that's what makes you wear a lime-green jacket on a beach of penguins. Keep on keeping on, my brother.

    It seems the count is in and it's "Do as he pleases" by a landslide!

    Interesting. If a similar poll were taken at the Kingdom Hall, I wonder if "do as thou wilt" would score as highly?

    (Sorry, still in "save Derrick" mode!)

    Dave of the "shutting up" class

  • defd

    I am sure you are right about the poll. Most are caught up in the formalistic part of the worship of Jehovah, as was his people were in ancient times. So many people worry about outward appearance and forgo the inside. Many worry about pleasing the Elders and others and not Jehovah. Yes we are suppose to be obedient to those taking the lead, but when they are not right, that is when we do not obey. I like to think of my self as a balanced witness, not an unrulely one. I wish I could change things within, maybe I can? The bible does say where the Shepard goes the flock follows.


  • mouthy

    The bible does say where the Shepard goes the flock follows.


    Thats the smartest thing I have heard you say WHO IS THE SHEPARD According to scripture ????YEP JESUS CHRIST!!!!!

  • AlmostAtheist
    So many people worry about outward appearance and forgo the inside. Many worry about pleasing the Elders and others and not Jehovah

    You weren't raised as a JW, were you, D? Neither was I, and my attitude was very much like yours. Appearances -- though still important -- were nowhere near as important as actual worship. Like any kid (I was 15 when I was started studying) I assumed everybody felt the way I felt. So when I got married to a sister raised in the org, it was quite a shock. Appearances were EVERYTHING! The first time she asked me to underline her Watchtower when I did mine, I was dumfounded! "Why do you want me to do that?" and I was asking sincerely.

    "So nobody sees me with my magazine unmarked," she replied, as if I'd asked why she was putting on a hat.

    (Which is not to say I ignored appearances. On my more "head-of-the-household" days, I wouldn't let her drive to the Hall. 'The family head should drive his family to the meetings' -- sheesh, what an ass. [Clearly we aren't THAT alike -- lucky you!])

    I wonder what the ratio is among JW's of the "appearances first" to "worship first" thinkers? No way to tell, since they mostly look alike!


  • AuldSoul


    I like to think of my self as a balanced witness, not an unrulely one.

    I know what you mean. I thought of myself that way for many years. Keep faith and get God's peace to guard your heart and your thinking ability.

    Eventually, I had to wonder: If the MAJORITY aren't doing it the way the Bible says to do it and the publications aren't telling them to and the elders aren't teaching them how to, is this really God's organization I am a part of? My answer is I am one of God's children who is part of a manmade, man-directed organization.

    Won't do you any harm as long as you remember Psalm 146:3


  • Legolas

    Yes I care!

    I would like to see him 'free' of the borg so he and his wife could live a better life away from them!

    Now I did say Defd...Away from the Borg...NOT your God!

  • stillconcerned

    many of us just encourage Bible Study (as opposed to Bible reading) and actual reasoning from the Scriptures as opposed to quoting Reasoning From the Scriptures....

    Auld you crack me up..

  • Aude_Sapere
    AlmostAthiest wrote: (... On my more "head-of-the-household" days, I wouldn't let her drive to the Hall. 'The family head should drive his family to the meetings' -- sheesh, what an ass. [Clearly we aren't THAT alike -- lucky you!])

    ummm Lucky MRS defd

    I agree with other posters - Defd does have critical thinking skills and so makes decisions based on 'informed consent'. Do I care if stays JW or not? Nope. Doesn't affect me in the least. I respect him for his willingness to consider and discuss topics with all you apostates. (*ahem* - hehe)

    My only 'caring' is for his children. I think it is cruel to raise children in the organization. My parents started studying when I was 10. Although I was a faithful little witness for Jehovah, and proud of my devotion, there was a significant drop in my sense of self. My parents blamed it on my 5th grade teacher. I now see it as much more than that. It was a social upheaval. I was a social outcast with my peers. (As an elder's daughter, I was also a quasi-social outcast in the congregation - not invited to the fun parties, etc.)

    My best hope is that Defd considers long-term effects on his children. I lost so much of my childhood by being a grown-up child and teenager in the org and I can never, ever get that back. I believe that is very possible to raise morally responsible children outside of the org and that they can have a very 'normal' childhood that will enable them to be come extraordinary adults due to better understanding and acceptance of cultural and religious bias.

    Intolerance of human growth and development scares me to death.

    -Aude (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)

  • defd

    Thanks for the kind responce Aude (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)


  • Aude_Sapere

    You're Welcome.

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