Please help me with the forum

by Simon 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe


    Thank you for removing this person, which I do not find your actions biased. It's your forum to do as you want. I feel it's unfair to allow bashing people around because thier beleifs differ from yours. Please excuse me for this, but that person sounds like a jerk and if I ever act that way, do the same to me.

    P.S. Everyone - keep in mind this forum does cost $ to keep up, so I am going to try to remember to use the PayPal donate, as we all should help out. Even a dollor or two, a few bucks add up really fast. Nothing in life is free.

  • larc

    Yardirf is an interesting paradox. He admitted on one post that he has been "inactive" since 1976. That's 25 years now. He says he is going back when the WT gets one interpretation right, that he has already figured out. Now, that is a nice excuse for missing all the meetings and not going door to door, now isn't it. In the WT eyes, he is as much of an apostate as any one else. He fails to engage in the service work and he runs ahead of the organization. These are pretty big sins in the Witness world.

  • ballistic

    Can anyone tell me what H2O is (please don't say WATER!!!!)
    actually, to be precise, WHERE H2O is?

    I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith

  • Englishman

    Alan or anyone who knows,

    I don't find Friday much of a problem, however can you possibly emlighten me as to what is taking place within his psyche? How can he be so pro-witness and not associate for over 25 years? Is he so black and white that just one item of disagreement is sufficient for him to throw out the baby with the bathwater? Is he just plain manic?


    BALLISTIC! Here's H20:

    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • hillary_step


    You said:

    As for Friday, that disgusting, cowardly piece of filth is the epitome of hypocrisy.

    LOL - Come on now, don't be bashfull, stop beating around the bush and tell us what you really think!

    Friday is indeed a paradox, by his own and WTS definitions he is not a JW. He seems to have been trapped by passing time at half mast, but one thing is for sure, a more spiteful and nasty exponent of the Christian faith it would be hard to uncover, other than perhaps, the Jarascz Beast.

    Simon, perhaps you might start an on-line prison for people like Friday. He could be digitally imprisoned in a cell for the theologically insane and day tours could be run to watch him spit and snarl. Could raise a bit of cash as well.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I am new to these boards, as everyone is already aware. I know some of my comments have been offensive, as I discovered almost immediately after only a posting a few observations of my own personal opinions. I understood that immediately and made public efforts to express responsibility and reach a peaceful and mutual accord.

    It is only honorable and HONEST to do so, whether one agrees or vehemently disagrees with another member. For whatever value it may contain, Proverbs 27:17 does mention that "iron sharpens iron" and "one man's face sharpens another".

    I believe that once animosity and anger rear their ugly heads, then productive dialogue and learning will be interfered with or halted altogether. After reviewing the postings that transpired between the individuals, it was obvious that reason and logic were taking second place to irrational behavior.

    Now, how should SIMON respond to that behavior? Should SIMON exercise his right of ownership and pull rank? Should he issue warnings to controversial individuals before taking action? Should he allow human soup to stir itself and simply season it with salt when necessary?

    It is a choice. Whatever SIMON decides, there are consequences and reactions. I believe it was honorable to consult other members for feedback. While many of us might be guilty of some of the same inflammatory styles of speech (myself included), there are really no concrete degrees of offense that can be referenced.

    While discrimination is a federal offense, free speech is also a basic right. If JOELBEAR was verbally threatened and verbally assulated, then a form of battery has occurred. Action is certainly warranted along with counter-measures to prevent future infractions.

    If JOELBEAR was NOT verbally threatened with any type of physical harm, then SIMON needs to consider the current guidelines for this forum, if they exist, and consider the other members (which he has) and perhaps consider the two individuals in question.

    Can the offender acquiesce and retract his anger and offer public reconciliation? Can the offender pay his debt to JOELBEAR and this forum through some form of probation? SIMON will decide this after making consideration of all possible variables affecting the situation.

    My only advice to SIMON is to be firmly grounded in your decision and support it with confidence. Be true.

    It is certainly a valuable lesson for everyone.

  • jonjonsimons

    It's your board to do with as you please. That said, here's my .02.

    Most of us here are adults, and given our shared experiences we've gotten pretty good at recognizing BS when we smell it. At first I thought that's all Friday was about, BS. Then as alirobbi pointed out in an above post, Friday thinly veiled his support of doing bodily harm to gay people who have the audacity to move into his neighborhood. I've lived with this crap my entire life Simon so I must tell you, words don't bother me. But, when someone supports and condones the committing of a crime, that's where I draw the line.
    Mabey Friday doesn't realize it, but by virtue of his comments he has broken the law by encouraging a hate crime. He has also broken the law by not informing the proper authortities of his knowledge of the details of said crime. So that makes him the felon Simon, not you.
    You therefore had every right as owner of this board to delete his account so as not to implicate other members of this board in his felonious endeavors. And since I know he's lurking...((Hi Friday love you long time!!))...mabey after realizing that he's broken the law he'll do the polite and Christian thing and email you the apology you so richly deserve. Fat chance of that, huh.

    Peace and love to you and yours,

  • cynicus

    Simon, I suspect we'll have an interesting influx of IDZap-ped accounts that will be used only once... to vote that is.

  • AlanF

    To Englishman:

    I think that Friday is mentally diseased. Therefore there's nothing to be gained from trying to figure him out. His mental processes are quite irrational -- as if anyone couldn't tell that from his posts. I'll play amateur psychologist and give it shot, though. Friday is probably known among local Dubs as a nut, much like his buddy You Know is. You know the type. Therefore they don't give him the time of day. The guy has probably been holed up for years nursing grudges, but now that the Net gives such people outlets to vent, he's taking advantage of it. He could rail against the source of his anger, but because he wants so much to be part of that source, he can't very well do so. So he strikes out at critics. This is much like someone who has been a lifelong abuse victim, who will often strongly defend the abuser. Of course this is irrational, but that's one thing that defines mental disease. For whatever reason, the occasional Dub will not be able to meekly accept the abuse.

    To Hillary_Step:

    Yeah, I'm not known for pulling punches in online forums. I agree about the nastiness of these two beasts. Imagine what kind of abuse would occur if Friday were suddenly given supreme power over the JW community. What never ceases to amaze me is that so many JWs, especially the ones in positions of authority and who know better, will cave in to such scum and violate their own consciences. Unfortunately, it shows the extent to which their consciences have been seared and their senses of ethics turned off.

    I spent the last few days visiting my parents, who are dyed-in-the-wool loyal Dubs. They're quite liberal in many ways, especially where it comes to accepting that criticism of the Society is often warranted (they've been hit hard by various abuse on the part of other Dubs), and we had several frank discussions. While looking over some photos of people who visited them over the past couple of decades (they used to live near New York and often entertained Bethel heavies) we happened upon one of an old Bethelite they identified as one Arthur Worsley (now deceased). I had all I could do to stop myself from commenting about Worsley. Seems that back in the late 1930s the Society's former head lawyer, Olin Moyle, had complained publicly about Rutherford's excesses, including drinking and most especially, abusing young Bethel boys verbally. Rutherford publicly excoriated Moyle and Moyle eventually sued Rutherford and the Society for slander (he won something like $15,000 in 1943, after Rutherford's death). Moyle called a number of Bethelites to testify to Rutherford's atrocious conduct, but every one lied on the witness stand and said that Old Joe was a great and kind man. Worsley was about 40 and had been in Bethel most of his adult life at that point, and he was one of those lying witnesses. Around 1990 a friend of mine asked Worsley about the Moyle case and and Worsley admitted that all of Moyle's charges against the Judge were true. Why then, did he lie on the witness stand in the Judge's behalf? He said that it was because he had no place outside of Bethel to go. Considering that the U.S. was at war around that time, this makes sense in a selfish way. But Worsley and his fellow liars traded the truth for a continued place to live, something like Esau's trading his birthright for a pot of stew. Now, if this little fish Worsley had to do that to survive, just imagine the kind of compromises with true Christian principles that present JW leaders have had to make, and you'll understand why the JW organization is in such bad shape today. It's run by a bunch of men who got where they are precisely because they're so good at throwing out their supposed principles whenever it's to their corporate advantage. I only wish that the JW community could be fully apprised of the true mental states of their leaders.


  • hillary_step


    You said :

    I think that Friday is mentally diseased. Therefore there's nothing to be gained from trying to figure him out. His mental processes are quite irrational.

    Probably horribly close to the truth Alan.

    Next time I spot an Ichabod Crane look-alike in a turquoise tutu, frenetically pogo-sticking his way along Highway 61 with a 1956 Watchtower under his arm, I will know who it is!

    Take Care -- HS

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