
by bebu 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar
  • AuntieJane

    Bless you sweet Bebu...your mama is no doubt smiling down on you.


  • bebu

    your mama is no doubt smiling down on you.

    AJ, yes, and she's probably holding her own mother's hand. Mom was orphaned when she was five. She went 60 years without a mother. I'll not have to go that long.

    jgnat, I have been thinking a lot about you and Myrna, and your heartbreak last year of losing her--the mother you finally gained in life. Your support has been so appreciated.


  • Narkissos


  • serendipity

    ((( Bebu )))

  • Sparkplug


    Godspeed, my dear mom, my beloved mom, my good mom.
    Do you realize that you have such a blessing in being able to say that of your mom. You were and will always be truly blessed by having her in your life.. There is nothing like having the love that comes from having a mom like that.
  • bebu

    Yes, sparkplug, she was a good mom, and I know I'm blessed.

    She was a force to be reckoned with--would never have made a good JW! She could discern true good from evil and could not be cowed by power. She took in homeless people, even bi-polar ones, for days and months at a time. She assisted refugees and handicapped in our community, helped in soup kitchens, confronted gossips, and once took on city hall (and won!). She once boldly confronted and shamed a boss into apologizing to handicapped employees he had verbally abused. I think she was personally affected by Jesus' words to the sheep in Matt 25, who gave food, drink, clothing, shelter, and visitation to everyone in need.

    She told me the most important theology she learned in parochial school was from a wise nun who warned to never put God in a box. How many times have I heard that from her! (And it's true.)

    Frankly, there were periods during my teens and college where I had to forgive her endlessly for gross errors in treating me as her daughter. Looking back I realize that she was truly learning how to be a mom as she went (like most of us do, only more so because she had no model). She went to a parochial school, not a public school, and did not understand the pressures we were going through. Many of her kids acted out from stress.

    But luckily, the one thing she taught us above all else was to forgive other people no matter what. It was, I think, the one thing that made it possible for us to be as close as we are, even with all those troubles, because we all forgave her (and she, us) and let the bitterness go. Nothing but good has remained between all of us for many years. And I am blessed even in my memories of her.


  • hubert

    What an inspiring eulogy, Bebu.

    Please know that we have been praying for her all this time, and our hearts are with you in your time of grief. ((((((((Bebu))))))))

    Hubert and family

  • lonelysheep


  • peacefulpete

    life is a gift with an expiration date but a gift nonetheless. Sorry for your painful loss.

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