Pay attention, folks. THIS is the issue. This is the biggie that can bring the mighty Watchtower publication-selling empire to its knees. Forget your bullshit chit-chat and stupid threads. THIS is that THIS that will make history. Unless you are so stupid and/or so clueless that you cannot see this issue and its soon-to-be fruition, then you don't know that you are on the cusp of being in a newer/kinder/gentler/much poorer WatchtowerWorldLand(tm).
The WTS is about to be forced to have a BIG enema. THIS is the BIG news. Forget about your bullshit chit-chat, folks. THIS is the MotherLoad of stories and THIS is the big break-through many of us have been working for and waiting for.
Sigh.....Some people are not worthy of this message....