JW Child Abuse: An Insider's Insight

by silentlambs 77 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • UK Rector
    UK Rector

    Needs to be set apart, and above

  • Anchor

    back to the top

  • JT


    You have well described both joe and barb-- Joe was one of my dept overseers when i was in bethel- a very kind man- not loud or gruff, just down to earth- i feel real sorry for the man-

    his wife is truly a jewel- as you know i had the chace to speak with her and we too talked for hours- about the days at bethel-

    she is truly a wonderful sister- no running ahead type woman just a good woman , good person who wants to see what is right.



  • patio34

    I appreciated reading all of this and having my consciousness raised about this disgusting issue. I will be drafting a letter to the WTBS this week.


  • You Know
    You Know

    Child abuse is a horrendous crime. It naturally provokes righteous outrage in decent folks. I think child predators very closely resemble the demons, which of course have the inclination to corrupt others by slyly preying upon weaker and innocent victims. It seems that because women have such beautiful maternal instincts, that they are especially keen when it comes to protecting children from the depredations of child predators and in standing up for the vulnerable ones. So, I respect you for that.

    There's no question about it that the Watchtower has gotten themselves in a real mess with this thing. While I will reserve judgment as to how the Society could really have handled this sort of thing any better, the sad and ironic thing is that the brothers have always been so concerned about not bringing any reproach upon Jehovah's name by having it known publicly that we had a pedophile problem. Now, though, it appears that there is going to be maximum reproach brought upon Jehovah as well as everyone upon whom his name is called. That is going to hurt a lot of innocent people and yet it will not remove the sexual predators from our midst. It may result in some sort of policy change, but big deal! We need Christ and his angels to clean house.

    It may be that it is now time for Jehovah to call his house to judgment. It would certainly appear that way from the ferment and apathy among God’s people. Jesus said that nothing concealed will not be brought to light. If the Society is guilty as charged with the way they have handled this pedophile issue, then by all means, we welcome Jehovah’s punishment. His punishment is actually a sign that we are not spiritual bastards. We simply plead with him not to correct us in his rage. As you may or may not know, Luke’s parallel account of the faithful and discreet slave indicates that the master gives the faithful slave a few lashes for his failure to fully do his Master’s will. Elsewhere, throughout the Hebrew prophecies that deal with Jehovah’s judicial decision upon spiritual Israel, there are numerous places where God calls his servants to account for stumbling others and bringing reproach upon his name. So, yes, Jehovah is going to put us through an ordeal and allow the organization to be turned on its head until everything is set right by his own direct intervention.

    With the threat of a catastrophic global financial collapse looming larger by the day, the potential is there for the Watchtower to be silenced, as the Scriptures say they will be, at the very moment when the faithful will be looking to it to defend itself. Going forward, Who said October is not going to be interesting?

    / You Know

  • Tanalyst

    Barbara, you're an inspiration.

    When people come toward the end of their lives and reflect on their life, many regret not taking enough risks.That won't be true of you,you've risked everything to help end future victims of abuse.

    Watchtower using intimidation against you to cover up how they treat victims is unconscionable. This story needs to be told and shouted from the rooftops.

    Unfortunately the only language Watchtower can comprehend is full exposure of their practices of dealing with abuse victims, and some good old fashioned jail time.

    God bless you and your family

  • zev

    the point being...

    that all those who chose to ignore and deny, are now blood guilty before god and christ.

    now they pay the price for stumbling those innocents whom they have hurt.

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • bluesapphire

    Okay, I know this is finally the BIG thing, Farkel. But as Max said, (sadly) they are not going to just fold up their tents and the R&F will likely think it was always their policy. So then how and why is this such a big thing? Probably business will go on as usual. That's not to say I wont be glad the policy changes for the innocent children. But I really was/am hoping this brings the tower down!

    I wish all the other men like Maximus would come out and expose the Society for what it really is. People like my sister and my in-laws wont even watch the Dateline show or read Time or Newsweek if it's negative toward their beloved GB. So how is this going to affect the majority of the R&F?

  • wasasister

    YK says:

    Going forward, Who said October is not going to be interesting?

    Is it interesting at all that the pivotal prophesy month, October, also coincides with "sweeps week" for American Network Television???

    Things that make you go....hmmmmm....

  • anewperson

    It's been said November may be the month instead of October due to all the new material being filmed etc. Thank you Barbara Anderson for helping our kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids.

    It would be nice if some District Overseers and others would meet to openly form an opposition group, wouldn't it.

    Until that might occur - we no longer hold our breath though - there's pro-Jehovah anti-Watchtower fellowship gotten fast by sending an email [email protected]; or visit the Free Christians website at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jahchristian

    Anyone getting disfellowshipped over this issue should also use it as an opportunity to write letters to news editors telling exactly what's going on!

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