JW Child Abuse: An Insider's Insight

by silentlambs 77 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • blondie

    Thanks Sister Anderson for your brave stand and the support of your husband. You two are risking a great deal as well as Brother and Sister Bowen.

    As a victim myself and seeing others in my family threatened, I used the tools I had at hand from my secular employment to pressure the WTS, up to the DO level. I was assured that my situation and my family was an exception not the rule in the WTS. Of course, it was not true...since then I have helped others realize their choices in Caesar's system and have assured them that going to the authorities was the right thing to do. But even now there are elders telling victims not to say anything and pretend it didn't happen.

    The angry part of me wishes these elders could be punished by becoming children again having to live through the nightmarish lives these children have. But life doesn't work that way.

    Just a point...remember there are children everywhere being victimized...and JWs are no more likely than others to be molesters...the danger is when it is not handled properly within the family and community.

  • jschwehm

    Hi Barbara-

    Thank you for doing the right thing. I will keep you and your family in my prayers as you go through this difficult time.

    Jeff Schwehm

  • borgfree


    I want to add my thanks to you also. I know you and Bill will keep up the good work. I am just thinking, to me, this gives new meaning to "out of the mouths of babes"


  • Mulan

    Barbara, that was so great to read the whole story and have it printable!! This is stuff I can share with my family.

    For those of us who have met you and spent time with you, we all know what a classy gal you are, and very courageous, as others have already said. I am so excited by this and can't wait for it to 'hit the fan'. (See, Barb, I left out that word you hate!)

    I think the reason the Borg is letting things slide, with Barb and with Bill, is because they are so high profile and they can't afford to disfellowship them at this point. After Dateline perhaps they will, but not before.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • MadApostate

    Mulan: I don't have an inside track like many here. I only know what has been posted. My impression is that no "official" DF action has been taken against Bill, although he has indicated that he has been "marked", and is being "shunned". However, Barbara's comments above indicate to me that the Elders have already formed a JC, and will likely take action soon.

    There is also seems to be confusion whether BA's elder-husband is supporting her or not.

    These may seem to be none of our business, but she is the one that has posted the info. Clarifying questions should have been anticipated.

  • Maximus

    Let me clarify some points for questioners.

    Brother Anderson is fully supportive of his wife. He is also a loyal elder.

    The letter from the Christian Congregation is most unusual in that it tells the elders to meet with her, or let the matter rest if she chooses not to meet. Thus no judicial committee has been formed. This is unusual because the choice to let the matter rest therefore became Barbara's if she chose not to meet with them.

    There simply are no grounds for judicial action. That's their dilemma.

    While Barbara is uncomfortable in the spotlight, she is not uncomfortable in following the dictates of her Christian conscience, or in showing the pure sterling quality of compassion for children, as exemplified by Jesus.


  • SixofNine

    First, to Barbara, YOU GO GIRL!

    Next, to your husband; I once told someone on this forum that to be a JW male is to be slowly but surely castrated. At some point, a real man says 'hey, stop that', lol. It looks to me as if you have said, 'stop that'. Good for you. The world needs more real men. What is left of the WT organization, needs real men desperately. They are tragically few and far between, IMO.

    In fact, hence the problems.


    There simply are no grounds for judicial action. That's their dilemma.
    So true, due to public documentation of exactly what Barbara's complaint/words are. But oh, a few short years ago, a bit less publicity, and her head would be spinning at the speed and brutality with which her neck was cut. Do you agree?
  • MadApostate


    Thanks for the clarifications.

    However, I think the dilemma is whether the WTS allows the Dateline program to feature damning testimony from "JWs in good standing" or "disgruntled former JWS". To DF Bill and Barb now probably is a positive from the perspective of misportraying the program to the R&F, but a negative as far as dealing with the general public.

    I disgree that there are no grounds for DFing either Bill or Barbara. Folks have been DF'ed for Apostasy on much less than the evidence provided by Barbara's email above, (which is one long condemnation of the WTS) and her and Bill's crusade.

    The only reason for the meeting with the elders was probably to try to force her to back off, and if she refused, to "push" her to DA. This unprecedented move to leave the decision to meet to her is contradictory to SOP where they will relentlessly pursue those they only "suspect" of apostasy, but who have no "public high-profile."

    The way they are dealing with Barbara tells me that they are much more SCARED than I have thought up until this point.

    I just hope the Dateline program doesn't let us down. With so much info developing, anything less than the entire hour devoted to this topic will be disappointing to me.

  • Princess

    Hi Barbara! I'm glad you were able to post this experience for everyone to read. I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to hearing more.


  • Mulan

    Maximus, thanks for telling about that little detail. I was going to do it, and then thought maybe I shouldn't. It's an important point, that they were told to let it drop, if she didn't agree to meet with them. And, yes, her husband is fully supportive of her. He must be quite a man.

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