What does being free to you all mean? Being able to swear and live inmoral life?
How many times has a jw come and posted that exact phrase? What a canned response, that alone should tell you how much you are still under the control of this dangerous cult. You have been programmed to believe that everyone who leaves becomes immoral. That is mind control. You may have left physically but not mentally.
As for your experience with child molsetation I am very sorry you had to go through that. However I wonder what the response from the elders would be if the man who molested you WERE a jw instead of Catholic? As there were not two witnesses to your molestation they simply would have said, 'it never happened' and you would have been put in danger for many more years most likely. See Silentlambs web site.
If they could believe and leave others alone that would be one thing, but they don't. If they could be allowed independent thought and action and not micromanage their members life that would be one thing. They tell their members that if a spouse or family member do not believe in the governing body is equal to God, then they are of Satan and evil. They break up families every day. They come between marriages, child/parent relationships. The fact that you cannot empathize with these situations only shows me that you are still under the influence of mind control.
As for there being 'good' things about jw's, you could say that about almost any group. I'm sure the German citizens that were not being affected by the Nazi's in a personal way could say the same thing. The German's who had courage could see the evil of the Nazi's and help their fellow man, the Jews of Germany. For some of the members of Jim Jones, I'm sure for a short while they could say their life was improved as well. We all know how that one turned out. Take any facist, cult, totalitarian gov., dictatorship, communism , etc.. and some of those members will tell you their life is greatly improved. So what? does that make that group a noble cause simply because they are 'sincere'?
I make others aware of the destructive cult of Jehovah's Witnesses not because it will help my situation (trying to get a loved one out) but because I don't want anyone to go through the hell the organization has put my family through.
You seem completely unaware of what this organization reallly is, the false prophecies, the blood issue and how they have misrepresented the entire issue, their blood guilt because of it, the lies, the misquotes, the fact that they DO harbor pedophiles, and this list could go on and on.
You may not like all the sites you see exposing this organization for what it really is, but I suggest you get accustomed to them. There are new ones everyday. If you take a look at history no facist, dictatorship, communist, etc.. government has been successful in their book banning or burning campaigns. The destruction of scholars and learned men and women was never successful completely. Often they made the 'forbidden fruit' all the more valuable and wanted. Grassroots or undergrounds sprang up. The exjw world will not be content to be just an underground secret society unto itself. I for one will not let it be. I will continue to warn others, write government officials, write newspapers and television shows. I may be just one person but I will not regret that I did nothing to expose this evil cult.
I wish you the courage to learn and research this destructive cult. Can you find the courage in yourself to really learn the truth about this so called 'truth'?
Truth should always be able to withstand scrutiny.