by DannyHaszard 402 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DannyHaszard

    Jehovah's Witnesses' blood ban more complex than many people ...
    Napa Valley Register, CA - 8 minutes ago
    NEW YORK -- Jehovah's Witnesses are renowned for teaching that Jesus is not God and that the world as we know it will soon end. ... -------- This paper is Watchtower victim friendly,related article below Child abuse cases allege Jehovah's Witness cover-up
    Child abuse cases allege Jehovah's Witness cover-up. Napa Valley Register/January
    7, 2005 By David Ryan. A bundle of child abuse cases may finally get off ...

  • Dansk
    An announcement in 2000 in the official Watchtower magazine, however, said that because of ambiguity in the Bible, individuals are free to decide about therapies using the biological compounds that make up those four blood components, such as gamma globulin and clotting factors that counteract hemophilia.

    1) If Jehovah is all powerful and all knowing and wants the best for his followers why would he make his word difficult to understand?!

    2) The Governing Body has always prided itself on being God's mouthpiece on earth today - so how come IT has a problem with ambiguity!

    One either knows or one does not. This clearly highlights the GB is anything BUT instructed by God.


  • DannyHaszard

    JOB OPENINGS Open this result in new window Times-Beacon - 37 minutes agoNEW YORK — Jehovah's Witnesses are renowned for teaching that Jesus is not God and that the world as we know it will soon end. But another unusual belief causes even more entanglements — namely, that God forbids blood transfusions even when patients' lives are at stake. The 'transfusion confusion'

  • rebel8
  • hawkaw

    Why look who came to ruin the party. I go away for one night and ...

    We just had a major splash ... again ... in the media that vaccinated millions and millions of people and here we go with Eduardo putting down the article or the people or the lack of distribution it will have.

    Give it up Counsel.

    I resent your attitude on this db. I also resent your posting on this thread to a point where people like Marvin Shilmer et. al. have to come on and object to your behaviour.

    Do you know just how much work it takes to get the attention of the AP or the The Old Grey Lady for such a tiny organization?

    The way you put down Kerry, never mind Barb, Marvin and others on this db was absolutely disgusting.

    True professionals who take an oath, including legal counsel like you, don't write some of the put downs you have. They stay professional and help where they can.

    This is the first time a major news editor in the Main Stream Press of the USA has actually reported about the components/fractions issue and the many changes in the blood doctrine over the years.

    It's a first.

    Usually all the MSM reports is that the JWs don't accept blood transfusions based on some stupid bible passage. Now its all out there and a lot of people are going to start to wonder WTF is going on and they will not be taken in by the JW propanganda.

    That is huge and you can thank Barb and Kerry (and a few others for that).

    People who were harmed or think they were harmed are also going to see this and realize there is a legal firm who not only can understand the complex issues but also is willing to at least review the merrits of their case.

    AJWRB and others have taken years and years to get information out into the MSM about the idiotic and crazy justifications. For example, banning white blood cells while allowing white blood cells to be used in other situations such as breast feeding for children, transplants and other actual transfusions.

    You can't ask for press play like this. And yes it will be in many papers ... along with Kerry's picture (seeing the AP photographer was with her).

    I agree with another poster. I object to your arrogant “I’m a lawyer so I know it all” attitude.

    If I were you I would be thanking Kerry and Barb for exposing what these monsters are truly doing and maybe stopping the needless death of little kids and adults throughout the world.


  • AuldSoul

    I love the kind of coverage this thing is getting. It is hitting some major papers and tons of small, local papers. The local papers are read by Witnesses AND by the unbelieving mates of Witnesses. You couldn't PRAY for a better audience to reach with this news.


  • hawkaw
    I love the kind of coverage this thing is getting. It is hitting some major papers and tons of small, local papers. The local papers are read by Witnesses AND by the unbelieving mates of Witnesses. You couldn't PRAY for a better audience to reach with this news.

    Yeah, I am even impressed with this one. I remember another of Richard's ones with the child abuse issue getting play but not this kind of play. Even Laurie's hit piece in the Sunday NY Times (that got a header on the front page) got a good hit but it didn't spread out like this.

    Can you imagine trying to be the local elder trying to explain WTF a fraction is compared to a main component and where the justification for it is located in the bible to the local TV news crew in their follow up story .... LOL

    Ahhh .... I like vaccinations in the morning. I hope some doctors take notice.

  • Honesty
    I love the kind of coverage this thing is getting. It is hitting some major papers and tons of small, local papers. The local papers are read by Witnesses AND by the unbelieving mates of Witnesses. You couldn't PRAY for a better audience to reach with this news.



    People who are studying with the JW's will read the article.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Eduardo writes:

    "I have a volume of Thomas Paine's collected writings so not only have I heard of it, I have actually read it - and I think the analogy quite strained."

    Here is the analogy for your strained senses: Though Common Sense was not particularly logical and neither was it particularly accurate in each detail, it did serve the purpose of motivating individuals to standup for a worthy cause no matter the current state of things, including then contemporary legalities. Hence, if we assume you are correct in your assessments of Kerry's work that does not hinder it from serving purposes of educating society of the ways of the WTS and, specifically, the reality of the WTS' blood doctrine. If all else fails Kerry has placed the subject squarely into the lap of society to either do something about a deadly doctrine or to do nothing about it. Essentially this was the purpose of Common Sense. Whether Kerry's article will result in an outpouring of support is yet to be seen. But then again, as was the case with the original, one can only tell after the fact if a published work is of the genre of Common Sense.

    On the other hand, if there is even a glimmer of merit in Kerry's work (and I believe that is the case, at least!) then the need for a general outpouring is negated because all it will take is one greedy but intelligent and creative lawyer to take the WTS apart one brick at the time, or perhaps millions of bricks at the time.

    As a spiritual man (assuming that is the case) you should be ashamed of the WTS' legal eagle going by the name of Brumley. In typical political fashion he pretends to respond to Kerry's work stating, "Any argument challenging the validity of this religious belief inappropriately trespasses into profoundly theological and doctrinal matters." The main thrust of Kerry's article has nothing whatsoever to do with the validity of a religious belief. Rather, the main thrust is to question the legality of a religion misrepresenting medical findings when those portrayals lead to harm and/or deaths. Brumley needs to decide whether he is a spiritual man and then a lawyer or if he is a lawyer and then a spiritual man. Right now he's playing political games with real lives.

    As an attorney why not answer this question: Does religious freedom grant immunity from liability for harm caused by deliberate misrepresentation of facts with full knowledge that the misrepresentation will lead to such harm?

    Please make yourself useful.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Bravo Mr. Shilmer

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