Freedomlover.....I think that we wait instructions from whoever was clever enough to get this into AP News......Someone out there knows exactly what they are doing....I'll stand by for orders.
by DannyHaszard 402 Replies latest watchtower medical
This is already a big defeat for the Watchtower hierarchy. Together with the exposure of child sexual abuse and their forced disaffilliation
from the UN, they are rapidly losing moral sympathy in the world. In the past, they appreciated having this or that doctor or public official
support their positions on blood or other subjects, but this will be trimmed as more experts become aware of their hypocrisy and
privately contemptuous attitude about other people.
In addition, the blood issue is threatening to become an 'albatross' hung around their necks! I'm sure many of them would
love to get rid of it but now find, as an exposed controversy, they can't. It may become the 'tail that wags the dog' as it gains
an importance they never intended, center stage.
It's all good....
cool wombat. that's what I was thinking but wasn't sure. I'll be ready and willing and waiting for further orders.....he he he
Wonderful news.
I was wondering when it would start hitting the press.
The doctrine's importance will be underscored next week as elders who lead more than 98,000 congregations worldwide recite a new five-page blood directive from headquarters.
Wow! The shit is REALLY hitting the fan. The FDS really can move information fast when they need to defend their stupid cult. But when new light comes from the allmighty Jehovah, the news moves slower than erosion.
It seems they worship Damage Control more than Jehovah.
Actually, individual action is more effective. Don't wait for orders. Do whatever you can, locally, individually. Communications offices and media desks can sniff out a "campaign". All the letters are the same.
Here's how to do it step-by-step.
1. Buy a copy of the journal article.
2. Find the local institutions. Use your yellow pages or a simple online search. I like
3. Write a letter to the institutions in your area that Blondie mentioned. If you are not sure who to address it to, send it to the "Public Relations Office". Reference the article, but you don't have to supply a copy to each group. Just explain to them how they can obtain their own copy. In the letter, say something about how the Watchtower Society may be held liable for misrepresenting secular facts to their followers. By extension, so could hospitals and insurance agents who follow direction from members of the Hospital Liasion Committees. That should get their attention.
To those who are waiting for someone to organize you, remember, you left an organization, why try to find another?
Do as jgnat suggested if that appeals to you, write a letter, send the article and the newspaper piece by Mr. Gostling (I met him at a Silentlambs conference and he is very knowledgeable about the WTS and its policies.)
Send your letter and attachments to people that are directly affected by this policy in your area as I enumerated above. If you want to send it to Dateline and other tv news shows, that is fine too.
All you have to do is check the "yellow pages" online or a phone book. Start with your own doctor, hospital, clinic, HMO, health insurance, etc. It would be better to get 100 very personalized letters, than 100,000 identical letters mailed out.
DannyHaszard top ranked on google news should hang a long time