In addition to thanking Barbara Anderson, let's not forget to thank Lee Elder and the other anonymous people from AJWRB.
by DannyHaszard 402 Replies latest watchtower medical
Big Dog
Anything that makes the WBTS look bad, makes me feel good. It will be very interesting to see where this goes. I would love to be a fly on the wall in Brooklyn.
I just e-mailed the article to CNN's Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta and mentioned that doing a story like this could save someones life. I don't know if the producers will consider it, but it's worth a shot.
FYI, there is a link to send the WTS an email about the blood issue here: The email addresses at the WTS are unpublished (AFAIK), so this is a unique opportunity to email someone there directly.
Ok, I did it--sent the article, a brief letter, and a couple links to the local daily paper near where I live. Thanks for the encouragement to speak out and try to make a difference.
SHORT POST YIPPEEE!!!!!! Give Barbara and Kerry a Beer! It's about what Kerry's article is about, and it's about what we do with it.
Now, let's try to save some lives. Hopefully, the WTS will either get rid of the blood doctrine all together or tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in its literature.
LONG POST The questions that keep haunting me is, "Don't the writers at Bethel have a conscience? How could they write such lies and mislead 6,000,000 people, including children, some to death?" Perhaps they thought it was theocratic lying. But, I truly think that they did it thinking they would not get caught. I think they could not fathom that the Internet would be so powerful an exposer.
Some of the 6,000,000 will wake up and see the man behind Oz. Some of the 6,000,000 will demand better literature & treatment from the organization. Some will sue. But, for the lucky, they will have saved their own lives & left!
Some JW's live this life waiting to die. In the end, they missed this life. But Jehovah God (or whoever He is), gave us life in this broken world, meant us to live this life in order to have a relationship with Him, and with each other. Yes, this world has its faults, but it is our duty to give this world our best efforts, using our individual, natural gifts He gave to each of us. Yes, we will all die one day. But, should our death be because we believed in an organization ran by men, behind a tower, who lied to us many times over? I think every rank & file JW believes that the Truth should be sterling and without lies. The WTS shoots themselves in their own foot when they write this junk literature.
I will say a prayer tonight and hope that this news does as Kerry wishes, that it saves the most precious of lives, a child's. I will also pray that it does more.Skeeter1
My daughter works for the local paper so we'll getting set up get the article printed,
* I can just hear the Rank&File "well it means the new system is just around the corner" As said over several generations* <said with contempt)
~ Dorothy
Just got off the phone with the editor of the local newspaper. I am closely affiliated with the Seattle based parent corporation.
Tonight, I am dropping off at his office for his perusal the following:
Handling Pediatric Cases
Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions and the Tort of Misrepresentation
Bob Evans
Walland, TN.
The questions that keep haunting me is, "Don't the writers at Bethel have a conscience?