OK, maybe that sounds a little harsh, but it's the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. You don't want to be involved with a JW, it's just not worth the trouble, especially because he's serious about his religion. No, he won't give it up for you, not if he's as serious as I think he is. I'm currently dating an inactive, unbaptized, nominal JW, and that's tough enough, I can only imagine what it's like to be involved with a serious JW.
Secondly, I know what it's like to have a huge crush on someone, only to get together with them and find out that the person isn't anything like the image of them that you create in your mind. I had a crush on a guy for a couple of years, he was my high school crush and even after graduation, I couldn't get him out of my mind. He asked me out about 8 months after graduation and I thought I was the luckiest girl ever, only to find out that I'd built this perfect image of him in my mind that I'd completely fallen in love with and that the real guy only physically looked like that image. After a year of dating, he cheated on me with my roommate, denied it till the end, then openly dated her immediately after I broke it off (that was a year ago, and they're still together). I kept wondering where I went wrong, but it wasn't me, it was him. I'd pictured him as this perfect guy, everything that I wanted, but not only did he not live up to that, he was the exact opposite of what I'd hoped he'd be.
Think about this, are you in love with him, the man he is, or him, the man you want him to be?? Do you even know him that well?? I'm young, but I know what it's like to have a huge crush on someone, but it's usually only physical infatuation, maybe with a little mental infatuation thrown in if you've had some kind of contact with him. I knew my crush for years before we dated, I thought he was perfect, I found him very attractive and I saw how he acted with his friends, who were also my friends, so I thought he was just perfect for me, but it turns out that looks can be deceiving. My former crush/boyfriend is a model and an actor, who wouldn't find that attractive?? Turns out that beauty really is only skin deep - on the inside, he's a filthy, spineless liar and nothing more.
And with your crush, his religion is always going to be in the way. It was in the way when you were younger, what makes you think that it won't be in the way now?? If he still believes everything that he believed 14 years ago, then that same religious barrier will be there between the two of you. Unless his beliefs have changed radically, he'll never accept you for who you are, and even if he does, his religion will always come first. That's if you can get past the divorce thing - he'll be in deep trouble if he gets divorced without scriptural reason, and that will just make things harder for the two of you. The WTS is a lifestyle, it controls all aspects of his life, and it will control your life, too. Keep that in mind.
I know that sounds harsh and heartless, but it's true. Think about this, think about what you really want and need, then make your decision. And stick around, the people here definitely know what they're talking about.
I wish you the best of luck with this situation.
-Becka :)