How many here used to attend meetings un prepared?

by JH 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    On Sundays, I hardly ever read my Watchtower. I would take 2 minutes to underline here and there just to look good. If I wanted to make a comment at the Watchtower study , I'd read 1 or 2 paragraphs and answer the question related to those paragraphs, that's it.

    On Tuesdays, at the book study, most of the times, I wouldn't even read the chapter, unless I wanted to comment.

    On Thursdays, I didn't prepare anything, just went the meeting at the hall, and let the others comment.

  • Legolas

    In the end the only meeting I prepared for was the book study.

    That was because he would go around in a circle and made everyone read, so I wanted to be prepared for that one!

  • DannyBloem

    always unprepared, even in my faithfull dub days.

    leading a CBS unprepared
    aswering the WT study unprepared
    even give instruction talks and smaller talks mostly unprepared
    (public talks I wa always prepared)

    never in m whole life studied a WT or KM. sometimes the BS

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I never prepared for any of the meetings, except for when I had a part in the school or the service meeting. I at first wanted to look competent up there.

    But then the parts (particularly the service meeting and then a few public talk assignments) started increasing so I decided to swallow my pride, and do a poor job, unprepared even with those. They stopped giving me those parts. :)

  • Snoozy

    As the "Perfect witnesses" we always studied the material beforehand!

    I always made sure the kids had an answer for the meeting too!..

    What good little witnesses we were...

    Snoozy Q..

  • Elsewhere

    I almost never prepared for any study. My dad used to fuss at me for not having my Watchtower study underlined. One of the things elders like to do is look around the hall to see who has their Watchtower underlined and who doesn't... this is a very simple litmus test to see who is "spiritually strong" and who is "spiritually weak".

  • xjwms

    J H

    you sound much as I did....

    The only difference was when I had a talk, ... I wanted to make an impression everytime. I was so prepared, one sister commented

    to me, ..." It feels like I was in a sales meeting"

  • Elsewhere
    one sister commented to me, ..." It feels like I was in a sales meeting"

    I'm amazed she didn't say that at every meeting.

  • mrsjones5

    O hell, all the time. Used to piss my mother off. And she would always nag me about answering during the watchtower, most time I didn't or wouldn't. I'm such a dissappointment to my mother.


  • Highlander

    No preparation at all. I was typically at a large enough congregation that no one notice if you didn't comment.

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