And again the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel, when one incited David against them, saying: "Go, take a count of Israel and Judah.
As a side note, this "one" is an utterly dishonest translation, attempting at harmonising 2 Samuel with the later version of 1 Chronicles (where the subject will be "Satan"). In 2 Samuel the third person singular obviously refers to the aforementioned personal subject, Yhwh.
And it is quite interesting from the original polytheistic background of the story. Yhwh is not yet "God". He is no Almighty. He is only the god of Israel, with limited powers. If he is angry with his people, he cannot just punish it as he wills. He must resort to a trick to bring a superior, semi-automatic "divine wrath" against the people. So his action is to push David to bring a curse on the people (which the census will do).
Of course in the monotheistic rewriting of Chronicles this makes no sense at all. Therefore the role formerly ascribed to Yhwh slides to Satan, and only then Yhwh = God is angry.