Elder video is up~

by alamb 206 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Will someone PLEASE provide this mans name. It was stated by alamb in the other thread that his name IS on the video { yet another video my damned computer can't and/ or won't open}. What is the lying liars name already?

    And will he be held on perjury charges?


  • aquagirl

    thanks for putting the videi link up!!!excellent!!!

  • alamb

    Keep in mind that I had 4 ex-JW's, including an 81 year old man who was DF'd for smoking a cigarette and they forgot he had put in 60+ years of faithful service before he lost all his family, testify as to what shunning has done to their families. They had applied the exclusionary rule and only one witness could be in the court at a time to prevent corroboration of stories. He had to sit outside with the DF'd and DA'd witness we brought and hear them talking the whole day before he was called.

    The judge heard them first and learned of what he later called "the ridiculous concept of shunning" before this guy denied it even existed.

  • IronClaw

    SF the liers name is

    James R Johnson

  • aquagirl

    "The elders are required to meet w/the disfellowshipped person once a year to see if they have changed"???i NEVER saw them turkeys till they came over to df me...never seen 'em since either..what a crock of shyte the guy is!!!!...ooooh..its pissin' me off.......

  • sf

    Thank you for the timely reply IronClaw. Much obliged.

    Now, about perjury...will he be charged and held accountable for this CRIME?


  • Leolaia

    collegegirl....When I heard that elder use that "tire" example, I recognized it almost immediately as coming from an old Watchtower article from the 1970s, a time when the Society had a more lenient disfellowshipping policy. This policy was abandoned in 1981 (cf. 15 September 1981 Watchtower, pp. 25-29) in the wake of the Bethel "apostasy" scare, and is not current policy. Here is what the elder said:

    Cross-examining Attorney: Okay, so don't associate with them [disfellowshipped people] at all? Elder: Well, if you are out in the middle of the country and you drove by and they had a flat tire, uh, what would you do? Cross-examining Attorney: I would stop and help them but what would you do? Elder: A Jehovah's Witness would stop and help that person. The main thing to do is if they're stuck in a storm, their tire's flat, put them in the car and take them down. But you wouldn't talk about the latest article in the Awake! magazine. That's disfellowshipped. That's what we define as disfellowshipped.

    And here is the relevant passage in the 1 August 1974 Watchtower:

    *** w74 8/1 p. 467 Maintaining a Balanced Viewpoint Toward Disfellowshiped Ones ***

    But consider a less extreme situation. What if a woman who had been disfellowshiped were to attend a congregational meeting and upon leaving the hall found that her car, parked nearby, had developed a flat tire? Should the male members of the congregation, seeing her plight, refuse to aid her, perhaps leaving it up to some worldly person to come along and do so? This too would be needlessly unkind and inhumane. Yet situations just like this have developed, perhaps in all good conscience, yet due to a lack of balance in viewpoint.

    That same article also talked about disfellowshipping as not breaking family bonds, that "one has a natural right to visit his blood relatives and his offspring", and that it would not be "spiritual fellowshipping" to call relatives to see how they are doing, how their health is, etc. The elder's description of JW disfellowshipping policy is circa 1974-1980. This is not practiced anymore and he knows that. But he almost certainly consulted an older view (before "new light") in preparing for his appearance on the stand, and tried to foist that old view onto the judge as "current" policy. The "tire" example is not found in any Watchtower literature since, as a search through the WT CD-ROM shows.

  • IronClaw

    After watching this f-cking guy lying his ass off, all I could think of is picking his sorry carcass off his seat and putting him through the f-cking wall.

    I know guys Temper Claw, Temper.


  • upside/down

    He saud,,,"We don't shun"...

    F*ckin LIAR!!!

    Mealy mouthed SOB,....and I used to be just like him.

    u/d(of the has turned from my whoring ways class)

  • Berean

    This made me want to "PUKE"!

    Here is a Corporate 'LIAR"!

    He was carefully wording his comments to coincide with Corporate policy; and, trying to sound compassionate.

    The "Dogma" of the Jehovah's Witnesses is sickening to say the least.

    They slander, lie, and follow "Men"; yet, sound so pious.

    "It is for their own benefit that we treat them like CRAP"! Yea ... right!

    You have just seen a real "Corporate" man in action. He will go far in the organization. May he succed ... he deserves it.

    I am so glad I got out.

    Berean (never looking back)

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