I am no fan of You Know, and I think his predictions of the imminent collapse of the global economy, followed by armegeddon, are silly. However, many reputable economists have argued that there was already a global economic crisis looming before Sept. 11 and that the massive government spending on defence industries in the wake of Sept. 11 has probably served to temporarily prop up several key industries. A major recession will probably occur in the near future, and this may well be followed by further cylces of recovery and recession for some time.
Capitalism is neither sacred nor eternal, despite propaganda to the contrary. It is simply a relatively brief phase of human evolution and will eventually collapse under the weight of its own internal contradictions, just as every economic system before it has run its course. Capitalism requires continual expansion which, obviously, has internal limits. Those limits evidently have not yet been reached, but trans-national corporations will eventually run out of room for expansion, resulting in a truly fundamental crisis for the global economy. This will not, however, lead to armegeddon. On the contrary, a much better, freer and more egalitarian world will emerge from capitalism's ashes. Things will get worse before they get better, but the overall trend of human history is clearly towards greater and greater freedom and equality.
You Know seems unable to contemplate a world based on anything but the present capitalist system and therefore concludes that its collapse leaves no alternative but armegeddon. I think there are solid reasons for faith in the ability of human beings to continue evolving well beyond the eventual demise of the present system.
Bring on the collapse.