Hello everyone,
My sister and her husband finally told a Elder friend of theirs why they have been absent from the meetings for all these months. (About 7 or so.) Our family has chosen to only use the 607 issue when dealing with the Elders. Because it seems to be the only issue they cannot answer! Anyhow, he called them and wanted to set up a time when he could come over and explain the simple math needed to come up with 607. Little did he know that for the last year, they too, have been gathering data on the subject. He arrived by himsef,which was strange, and they watched him pray in the car before coming to the door. Once inside, he NEVER offered to say a prayer, something my sister and her husband found VERY disturbing. So he began his explaination. They just listened. Then, when he was done, they began to show him the Watchtower references, and the Insight references that support the Kings list. And then they showed him how those references, that go hand in hand with Secular data, contradict the Kingdom Come Appendix. When he saw how once put together it didn't add up he made this AMAZING statement: Well, you cannot believe everything you read in the literature." They said, "What?? We thought everything that is in the literature is from God himself, that he directs the Faithful Slave." He said, " Well, they are just imperfect men." He said, "We have to trust the Bible, because THAT is GODS word." Then he proceeded to go into the whole 70 years bit. He was trying to say that if you accept 586/587, then you are rejecting the 70 prophecy. Which is totally false. The seventy years still does apply! It has to! He wanted to look over the Kings list, and study it, then come back. My sister wasn't really familiar with the whole 70 bit, so she is going to brush up on all of that , so when he comes back, she can show him how it fits. She said that he was so nervous when she cornered him. He was just lost. Not unlike my own experience with my own Elders, who were lost on this subject too! I know everyone is probably sick of this subject. But if we ever plan on helping others,our family and friends, see the truth, this will be one topic that won't go away. Because this is the foundation for EVERYTHING else! In the end.. he said..like they ALL do, " What does it really matter??" Hmmmmm I guess if you are willing to live and perpetuate a lie, and are willing to accept the consequences later with your maker...then I guess it doesn't matter.