I have two questions for all those who seem bent on appologizing for Kent/etal foul mouthed, profanity wielding attack dogs, on this board.
When was the last time, in real life, one on one conversation, someone called you an 'asshole'? I don't mean the word couched in silly voice inflected, jest. I mean in the spirit of 'in your face'...furrowed eyebrows style.
When was the last time, in real life, one on one mingling with the public has someone yelled FUCK YOU, DIPFUCK, DICKHEAD?
Unless you are a self flagellating masochist, you probably try to avoid such senario's. Or perhaps your personality is such, that you find this kind of conduct, normal. If you do, many will define your circumstance as being 'trailor trash'.
If you defend this type of human interchange as positive or with redeaming quality...you probably are 'trailor trash'. With a shortened life span, probably in your future.
Hell, people are shot everyday world wide, for something as trite as a misdirected glance, let alone the provocation of 'attack profanity'.
Cuss, yell, scream, puke it out all you want. I do often. JUST DON'T DO IT AT ME!!!! You get it dim wits. Cussing is fun, cussing at someone is low life. You deserve everything that comes your way, if you choose to assualt, you will be assulted in return.
Most revilers in this lala land of cyberspace, would never have the real fortitude, to cuss and malign someone in real life, like you play at here. You cowards are not fooling anyone. Except other cowards who do not want to loose the only release, for thier pent up cowardly hostility. To cuss at and malign in the complete privacy and comfort of your easy chair...nobody breathing down you little peevish throats, ready and able to make you think twice, before opening your big 'nasty mouths'.
Take or leave it....I don't give a shit! (see more expressive than hostile)