O.K. Dozy,Yes, I know the scans are too small, don't think for a second that it will not be fixed so YOU can indeed read it for yourself! Then, maybe you will understand why I and everyone else are angry at the deception!! I am not a grammer teacher, but what the Society is doing is WRONG!!!!!
I sincerely doubt Dozy will ever understand why there is deception involved in the Societys tactics on this issue. He will always use that one little technical detail to justify everything they are doing. In my language, this is called "not seeing the forrest for the trees". Hey Dozy, here`s a valid comparison. The next quote is from a holocaust historian, and I added some brackets, guess where:
The reknown holocaust historian, Gordon Mcfee, writes in his essay "Are the jews central to the Holocaust": "Modern research has begun to deal more extensively with the suffering of other victims of the Nazi genocide. For example, homosexuals, Gypsies, prisoners of war, Russians, Poles, Catholic priests, Jehovah's Witnesses and others were more or less systematically murdered as the Holocaust continued (the vast majority were non-jews). By the end of the war, as many as 6 million of these people had been killed (mostly non-jews)". So even this reknown historian acknowledges that the jews were far from being the only people persecuted by some of the overly-eagerly nazi-leader...
If a neo-nazi website/book/newspaper had written this, they would have been completely deceitful and misrepresenting the text. Everything in a text can be changed by quoting out of context and adding some brackets. Everything! The quote actually reads:
Modern research has begun to deal more extensively with the suffering of other victims of the Nazi genocide. For example, homosexuals, Gypsies, prisoners of war, Russians, Poles, Catholic priests, Jehovah's Witnesses and others were more or less systematically murdered as the Holocaust continued. By the end of the war, as many as 6 million of these people had been killed, along with between 5 and 6 million Jews.
Read the "tampered with" quote one more time. You will see that nothing in that quote is actually a lie. More non-jews were killed than jews, but by using such an expression as "the vast majority", I made the reader believe that perhaps something like...90% ? ...of the murdered were non-jews. And that deeply undermines the concept of a jewish holocaust (which is what I would be aiming for here, if I was a neo-nazi). But per definition,technically I am not actually lying in the quote that I tampered with. I just added some brackets, and I cut the text short. And by doing that, I changed the entire meaning of the text to mean the completely opposite of what the author intended. And there you have it, this is the key to all serious academic research: What the author intended! This is to be the leading principle in all academic work, when quoting an author. Only deceitful and lying people are violating this leading principle.
It`s not difficult to change the meaning of a text, anyone can do it. And the WTS does it all the time. Wake up, Dozy!