L.L To get over the jwd picture size limit open a Photobucket account and put the originals on there or PM me and i'll give you my email for you to send them to me, I'll shrink the file size and put them on my photobucket account and post the pics here.
O.K. Everyone..Here it is!! Grayson v.s. Insight Book!!!
by Lady Liberty 58 Replies latest watchtower bible
Dear Dozy,
Your loyalty to the society is certainly genuine.
I must say that if there is one thing at which they excell,it is being tech nically correct, but deliberately deceptive. They do that regularly when claiming that, for many years prior they were expecting Jesus to return in 1914. When we know the truth is that they believed and taught from 1879 till at least 1930 that Jesus had returned in 1874.Iam just wondering if you have ever considered raising your loyalty from man to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ who, after all died for you.
How does your conscience cope with celebrating Jesus dying for you, while you give your loyalty to deceptive men.
New Worldly Translation
Dozy - I think you need to brush up on the rules of English grammar. Square brackets can be used to clarify the quote to the reader using previous information the author provided in the same publication. What you can't do is put words in the author's mouth which is interpolation.
That is exactly what the WTS have done with that quote. They have interpolated their own data, which is not supported by the quoted author, into the quote thereby misleading the reader.
The reader of such a passage would be wrong in assuming that information within square brackets in any way correlates or agrees with the original author. That is why it is in square brackets. Lady Libery is incorrect to describe this in any way as a misquote - she is demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic grammar. The Insight book editor has accurately punctuated the quotation.
I know people here want to use Lady Liberty's example but the above is correct: grammatically, the WTS properly altered the text in a manner that is allowed. However, I find it highly unethical that an organization that actively discourages its members to read outside sources (yes, even its quoted sources) would change quotes in such manner...also, I always had a problem with the manner that the Soceity does footnotes and this is another example where a footnote would of been appropriate (see link for guide on proper footnotes - http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/dept/history/lavender/footnote.html).
Either way, the example in this topic still can't be used as an example that the WTS is outright lying to its members...simply another example to show how it slyly alters comments in ways to make followers believe that scholars agree with key points of doctrine.
LL...are the pics saved on your computer?
If so you can host them at www.tinypic.com
When you go ther hit the 'Browse' button....then a dialog box will open up that contains all your documents...go to the place where you have the pictures saved...when it is on the the right ones hit the 'open' button....Then hit the 'Host Image' button ...when you see the picture on the bottom left of the page click on the picture and another page will open up with your picture on it...highlight your picture and right click on it and hit 'copy'.....then come back here....when you are in the reply box...just hit the 'clip board' icon ...that's it...Your done!
This is a very poor example of a supposed misquote by the WTS [THE WTS HOWEVER DOES MISQUOTE REFERENCE MATERIAL] and wouldn't convince anyone who has a 3rd Grade [IN AN ADVANCED CLASS] understanding of punctuation. I cannot see the original quote[IT WOULDN'T MATTER ANYWAY] as the format is too small , but the use of square brackets within a quotation is the recognized literary method to add an editorial interjection that may or may not agree or harmonise with the views of the original writer.
Lady Libery is incorrect to describe this in any way as a misquote [BUT LADY LIBERTY DOES HAVE AN EXCELLENT POINT OF THIS BEING DELIBERATE DECEPTION ]- she is demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic grammar[BUT AN EXCELENT UNDERSTANDING OF WTS B.S.] The Insight book editor has accurately punctuated the quotation. [The Insight book editor wears womens underwear]
Notice the ONLY reason for the quote is to establish a date marker. Remove the dates and the short quote means little to nothing to the reader. This is a deliberate deception. They needed an authoritative source for their erroneous dating and so made one up. If they wanted to present the bracketed information they most certainly did not have to insert it in the one short sentence long quote.
Dozy wrote:
This is a very poor example of a supposed misquote by the WTS and wouldn't convince anyone who has a 3rd Grade understanding of punctuation.I cannot see the original quote as the format is too small , but the use of square brackets within a quotation is the recognized literary method to add an editorial interjection that may or may not agree or harmonise with the views of the original writer.
Nope Dozy, you are wrong. And this is because the Graysons text, the text quoted, is all about chronology! The main theme of the text, everything the text revolves around, is chronology! - And Graysons chronology is the "worldly, secular" chronology, that establishes 586/587 as the year of Jerusalems destruction. And about the brackets: It is dishonest to insert something (anything) into a quote, even though it is in brackets. Many people (especially JWs) don`t understand what the brackets mean anyway. When the WTS does this, it is because they are trying to make it look like Grayson is supporting their view! Which, of course, he is not.
hey thanks LL. Your doing well with this 607 stuff, keep it up!!
This is just one example of something that sorta nagged at my sub-conscious when I was a JW. The publications ALWAYS seemed to be full of sentences (even their bible) that had brackets - and some added words - in them. I learned early on what the brackets meant... it meant that they 'added' something to what was not there. As a game... try blacking out everything within the brackets, and then read some of their books/magazines/bible. It takes on a whole new meaning. Regards, Jim_TX