O.K. Dozy,
I stand to be corrected then if you ARE accurate. However, I don't think even YOU can disagree that 99% of those who read things like this that are INSIDE QUOTES are going to be concluded by the reader as being from the Author of the quote!! Most Jws would never read the explanation given for brackets, let alone understand they aren't from the original Author. And that is the whole point!! However, you have challenged me on this issue, and therefore I will be posting again, from the "Babylon The Great Has Fallen" book where it sites a date from Harpers Bible dictionarty 1952 edition. Guess what!! If you actually look up that date, it gives a TOTALLY different one.
Yes, I know the scans are too small, don't think for a second that it will not be fixed so YOU can indeed read it for yourself! Then, maybe you will understand why I and everyone else are angry at the deception!! I am not a grammer teacher, but what the Society is doing is WRONG!!!!!
Lady Liberty