by Gill 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RubaDub

    It might be interesting for those of you on the list to be on the Jerry Springer Show together.

    Rub a Dub

  • Jim_TX

    Lady Lee said... "I think the is list is a way to make those in the hall who are inactive feel shamed and guilty for not doing what they are supposed to be doing."

    This tactic would only work if the 'inactive' ones knew their names were posted... by either going to the meetings in the first place - or by someone getting the word back to them - which happened in the above case.

    No... I feel it is a list posted that is meant to throw the 'fear of god' in those that are 'active' - "You don't want to be on THIS list..."

    For that matter... they could make up a bunch of names and add them to the 'list'.

    "Who's this one?"
    "I dunno... but at least MY name isn't on that list."


    Jim TX

  • EAGLE-1

    On my last visit to the kingdumb hall I went into the library and found my records and removed them.Did this while the James Bond theme was playing in my head.Yes I stole them.They are safely stashed away in a septic tank somewhere in Atlanta.

  • serendipity

    LOL @ Unc Bruce

    I hope your wife didn't allow you to name your children....

    Sis Serendipity Doubthard

  • Gill

    EAGLE-1 - Funny! Septic tank is where the things belong anyway!

    UPDATE - I have been in touch with my 'contact'. My sister has not been to the KH for 18 months now, and it turns out that since they had a 'quick build' about 9months ago the notice board has been renewed. WE are no longer on the INACTIVE list BUT the Inactive list is still up and running. If anyone has not reported for at least six months, their names go up on the board for all to see. At the moment there are 17 people on the list from one congregation and 9 from another, (they share the hall).

    In time, it will just be the record cards and all record of us that we have to have removed........

    What still shocks/surprises me, is that they actually have an INACTIVE PUBLISHERS list at the back of the hall. I can only think that, as others have said, this is a 'Name and Shame' policy in an attempt to keep the publishers of these two congs. under control, and 'performing' as expected. Sad really and pathetic also.

  • James Free
    James Free


    You should contact the Bethel and tell them the name of the congregation and that if the list is not removed within 24 hours you will be taking legal action, seeking damages. You do not have to identify yourself as being anyone other than 'one of the people on the list'.

    I know the Org. likes to use legal manipulation to get out of things, but this is clearly against the law. They will tell the PO to remove it, I am sure.

  • Gill

    Thanks James.

    I may even write annonymously, that being the case.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I was "inactive" for quite a while before I stopped going to meetings. If my name had been up on a list for all to see I would have stopped attending meetings long before I did.

    Maybe they should leave the list up - maybe those on the list still attending will decide they don't want to go to the meetings anymore and face the shame and embarassment.


  • lowden

    Hi Gill

    I'm agreeing with alot of posts here...this is a shockingly rude invasion of you're personal life. You should stick a rocket up their arse for this!!



  • yaddayadda

    I think it's a great idea and it should be official policy in every congo. Just think about it...more and more JW's are getting tired and becoming inactive....therefore the list is going to get longer and longer, never shorter. So anyone thinking of also becoming inactive will find great encouragement to go and look at the list, knowing he is not alone. In fact, they might feel like getting in touch with one of the inactive ones on the list to find out why they became inactive, and if any of those inactive ones are now 'apostates' they will have a lot of useful information to share that will motivate others to also become inactive.

    I think they should also stick up a list of 'apostates'....


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