I'd like to know WHY you plan on pushing her more. Why? She's already close to "packing her bags"...yet you want to push her some more. Is there a reason you weant to push her some more? Do you love her? Does she love you? Then WHY push her out the door?
I see this crap too many times and I see families destroyed by ex-witnesses going beyond where they should know to keep quiet. I'd suggest you think long and hard about continuing on with your "pushing her".....unless you want to live alone.
Gumby, you seem angry....I guess you have your reasons.
You are terming it "pushing" which I take slight offense to since this is not my way of doing things at all.
I can understand that it is not immediatly obvious the time factor involved in my planned revelation. Which may span months, who knows even years.
You have to understand something, I am a MS and have lots of responsabilities. That coupled with my wife's personality would cause all kinds of havoc if I just started doing less without good reason. You see, in a relationship like I have with my wife, we talk have a good time listen to each other (on most things) and encourage each other. She would be genuinely concerned about me and questions would ensue. If I avoided giving her a good reason for my actions we would drift apart because she would feel like I would be deceiving her which would be true if even for her own good.
So you tell me gumby, would you preferr I let my wife feel like I had stopped loving her (and all the things that come with that) and keep it to myself OR should I try in a very tactful way present evidence as to why I feel the way I do and reassure her that I love her as much as ever??
You don't know me nor my wife and I would appreciate you not using MY thread or experience to get on your soap box.