
by mavie 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I lost my 16 year old son to leukemia 11 years ago. He refused all blood products. Including the

    ones that the Society said were O.K. to take in the June 15, 2000 Watchtower, six years after he died.

    Dear Nomoremeetings,

    I am so.. very sorry about your son. It just breaks my heart to think of what you and your wife must have gone through! No matter how long ago this happened, it must feel to you, like yesterday. We love you and are terribly sorry for the loss of your precious child.


    Lady Liberty

  • Honesty
    I've found I am a person who resists change. Yet, I'm not afraid to change, given enough time and a reason to do so.

    Hope that answers your question.

    That's the only way to do it!!

    BTW, you may find Revelation 11:1-2 interesting when compared to the following:


    w02 5/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***


    From Readers


    John saw the "great crowd" rendering sacred service in Jehovah’s temple, in which part of the temple were they doing this?—Revelation 7:9-15.

    It is reasonable to say that the great crowd worships Jehovah in one of the earthly courtyards of his great spiritual temple, specifically the one that corresponds with the outer courtyard of Solomon’s temple.

  • mavie

    Thanks Honesty, I will look into that scripture.

    I recently downloaded e-Sword, a nice piece of software which allows me to compare a number of Bible translations and commentaries. I was even able to get the NWT in the thing. I would recommend this to anyone interested in Biblical study.

  • SixofNine
    SixofNine, I don't come to a conclusion quickly, about anything. I try to examine all sides of an issue, isn't that called critical thinking?

    I have observed many people, JW or not, believe or make a decision based on very little data. That's fine for them.

    Yes, and I would agree with you wholeheartedly. Still, I can tell you from personal experience, as someone who wants ALL the data honestly presented to me before I take a position, that it doesn't take years if, as you said you do your research (and critical thinking) "in an honest, logical manner". In fact, you've already identified your greatest enemy: "I've found I am a person who resists change". Most all of us are, and most of us suffer to some degree or another for having that flaw.

    I know "the .net" has been demonized in the witness community, especially as regards research, but for your purposes now it really is just a library full of huge amounts of data that can be accessed instantaneously.

    ps... hope you'll research cognitive dissonance. Take for instance, the belief that a witnesses must carry that basically states "God is going to kill everyone who doesn't accept witness beliefs". You live in a community with many good, decent people who you know it would be totally unrighteous and unjust for God to kill while at the same time preserving certain witnesses you know to be of low character. Am I right? Well my friend, that belief alone is enough to send your wife into a depression that could kill her. Hell, I get depressed just remembering that I used to have to believe such inhumane unloving garbage, both about God and about my fellowman.

  • mavie

    SixofNine, I did browse some information on cognitive dissonance. I have never been interested in psychology, so much of the info I saw will need some time to register in my brain...those neurons need some time to make new connections! Also, regarding your statement as to the availibility and ease of data nowadays thanks to the 'net; I like to give new information time to 'sink in'. People can jump to conclusions. I think this scripture applies from the Good News Bible:

    Jer 17:9 "Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful; it is too sick to be healed.
    Jer 17:10
    I, the LORD, search the minds and test the hearts of people. I treat each of them according to the way they live, according to what they do."

  • juni


    I wish you and your wife the very best as I had said before. As I related to you my experience w/depression and anxiety, I know for a fact that being around people is something that does not appeal to someone who is depressed. Also, it increases the anxiety a lot.

    Yes. Getting a puppy can be entertaining, but is also a lot of HARD WORK. Speak from experience. I would suggest until your wife gets a handle on her dep/anx that you keep your life simple.

    Yes. There is a lot of comments made here about individual's experiences. Also, facts about the Society that you may not be aware of or might not want to see. But they are documented if you truly want to learn. I'm sure also that you feel like a traitor considering them. Please, though, realize that just as your wife and you have been hurt, others here also have been and some to a much greater degree. Can you blame people from feeling human and want to lash out? There ARE facts about the Society that should bring out your ire.

    Please I hope you keep an open mind and educate yourself about what is going on. Some of us get pretty worked up. It is a very emotional situation and we are human. A lot of us have dedicated many, many years in the org. I don't know how long you have associated. And many of us have raised our families in the "Truth". That has brought many a lot of heartache with no fault of their own. They have tried very hard to bring up their children in the way of the "truth", but have met w/a lot of heartache and disinterest when needing help and direction.

    I don't know what else to tell you. Wish you the best on you and your wife's journey to live a peaceful life.



  • mavie

    Thanks for the comments Juni.

    I'm just taking it all in right now.

  • JW_Researcher

    Very sorry to hear about your wife.

    What is your "college work"?

    PM me if you're afraid it will reveal too much of your identity.

    Been there.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Came back to this thread to see your story M.

    I notice that you initially stated that 99.9% of the statements made here are just ad hominem attacks.

    While there is some of that - I truly believe you are far overstating that. I too was initially disgusted with some of the comments - assuming like all active or newly departed witnesses that these people were raving apostates with the demons sitting on thier shoulders. [Now I am sure that lurkers think that of me. LOL]

    The UN scandal, the pedophile scandle, the Rand Corp scandle, bribery in Mexico with official GB approval, blood misrepresentation, doctrinal issues, watchtower misrepresentation of it's own history, eschatological failure and coverups.... on and on... what of these are ad hominem attacks? They are all provable and factual. Witnesses right at the top know of and participate in these matters.

    Much of what you have initially discerned as attacks - are likely in reality, part of the process of healing. Persons of all levels of JWism are represented here. Some have been 'out' for decades, others like you are still 'in', and all the emotional pain that comes with leaving and healing is represented by the vast majority in the middle, who have been injured deeply by the treatment they recieved from a high control religious group called Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Just trying to add perspective. Welcome to the forum.


  • brutusmaximus


    Sorry to hear about your home situation and the treatment you have received. My wife also had depression whilst at the hall it seems she was never able to please everyone all the time and how could she with the demands that were made.

    I came here like you not sure what to expect what with all the brain washing I had for 30 years about "apostates" and their ways. I have to say however that the 99.9% of people on here are smashing and will do what they can to help and support you. We have been out now for a number of years and are both healthly physically and mentally which is in no small part of being out of the troof. All my family are still in by the way so it wasn't an easy choice to make

    I wish you all the best in the coming months and years


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