What make the parts that you think are reliable, so reliable?
by bubble 64 Replies latest jw experiences
Because there are common sense things in the Bible. Such as the golden rule etc. Lots of the principles are a good guide for life.
bubble, it is time to do so serious, personal research then meditate on it and look at where it fits in your life.
Because there are common sense things in the Bible.
if it's common sense, why do we need to read the bible to figure it out?...
All I hope is that God really can read hearts and that he sees my confusion!!
I kinda live by that phrase also... "If there is a god that can read hearts he will definatly know that i am a confused human...."
Blondie, that is why I'm on this site in the first place!!
If I was still in the org I wouldn't dare to have come on a site like this. It's not allowed.
My copy of Crisis of Conscience arrived in the post this morning. I am really looking forward to reading it. -
Because there are common sense things in the Bible.
So, the things in the bible that make common sense to you, as a human, are to be considered reliable? The concepts that were relayed or inspired to prophets, from God, that don't make common sense to you are not reliable?
How can you really tell the difference? What if some things God caused to be written in the bible are too hard to understand to make "common sense"? You could be ignoring some of his most important Words because they don't seem like "common sense" to you.
Do you see what I'm getting at? You cannot say that something is true or right just because it "makes sense" or because it "feels right". Some of the most horrifying things are true and would make the average person very uneasy.
You will some day die. You will no longer exist. Neither will I. There is no such thing as a "soul" that lives on after we die. There is no heaven, there is no hell. We exist only in the now and while we must live amongst others of our kind, there is no Supreme Being judging our actions to be good or evil.
Those things might make you feel uneasy, and they may not "feel right". But sometimes reality does not make sense or feel right. I prefer reality to an unreal fantasy any day.
You are going to find people that believe the Bible has no value, others that it has some value, and others that it is inspired of God. All anyone here can do is give you their opinion and how they arrived at it. You have to decide for yourself after examining things carefully, what you believe. You don't have to agree with everyone or anyone on this board.
I'm sure when you read COC that you won't agree with everything Ray Franz says, but you will find some things that are useful to you.
BTW, Gandhi, a non-Christian felt that parts of the Bible were useful.
"When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon of the Mount, we shall have solved the problems, not only of our countries but those of the whole world."
That didn't mean he had to believe that the Bible was inspired and become a Christian.
Bubble, the best thing to remember, is that it is likely that you will never agree with some on this board, and that is fine.
Love, Blondie
Don't rush anywhere. Based on what you say you know you believe, I would say take some time. Read the bible, do some research. Once you have a framework and then want fellowship find a place where you can hold the beliefs you have. Or if you want to go somewhere right away hold everything to question. I find that of the Christians I have met, the truly serious ones have been through a couple groups before they found a home and the home has not all been the same place.
What I want to know is, what am I supposed to believe now?
Believe in yourself, not what some religious organization tells you.
On another note don't be too quick to up anchors and discard all that you've been taught. Not everything is bad and don't be fooled into thinking that organised religion is 'all bad'.
If deity exists and you are related in any way then given the right frame of mind and a desire to know, that deity would presumably be willing to help out and establish a personal connection. Quiet reflection away from hustle and bustle normally helps to clarify fairly easily what is good and what is bad, what is desirable and what is tosh. If you keep yearning for that which you percieve as good then your life will follow that path and you'll find/crystalise what you really believe. That may even lead you back to organised religion or it may lead you to be more of a lone explorer.