UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?

by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Does anyone know the city Richie lives in? (N. Carolina, correct?)

  • jeeprube

    Move out now! Take any future checks to a bank and deposit them, and tell Mom you want your 250 bucks back. Your mother is trying to establish control over your life, I went through the same issues with my mother 12 years ago, the only cure is to get out of their house and be your own man.

    Keep your head up Richie, your a brilliant guy you'll come out just fine. The best revenge now is to live well. The organization has trained your mother in the belief that seperation from the Society leads to peril, spiritual and financial. Find a roommate, enroll in college and move into the dorms, join a good church and network with them for new friends.

    Your mother has no right to take your cash or possessions.

  • Odrade

    Wow. :( I was hoping it would be easier for you. Good luck, I'm keeping you in mind.

  • serendipity

    Hi Richie,

    Once you get moved out, ask your mother "Would Jesus act the way you acted?" She is being vindictive and immature, besides controlling and abusive. However, I'm sure she's hurt, mad, angry at being fooled. She may also be very sad because as an apostate "you're going to die at Armageddon." This is tough for her, so once you're safe you may remind her that she's acting in an unChristian manner. But that you love her anyway.

  • Mary

    Good Lord Richie! What the hell has your mother been smokin'?? Actually, I remember you telling us on another post that she was mentally and emotionally abusive. If it were me, I'd phone the cops and tell them that she stole $200.00 from you because you didn't want to be part of her cult-like religion any longer, and you want it back.

    And seeing as she got home an hour later than normal after the Meeting, I can only imagine the kind of shit that the drones at the Hall were filling her head with. From the Governing Body members down to your mother---this whole religion is about controlling those directly beneath you and we all know what happens when a control freak loses control over their prey.

    I agree with what others here have said: get Direct Deposit for your cheques, and tell her if she ever takes your car again without your permission, you'll report it as stolen. I would ask some co-workers or a friend at school if it would be possible for you to stay with them for a bit if possible. I'd pack up and leave when your mother isn't home, otherwise, God only knows what she'll do.

    Keep in touch and let us know if there's anything we can do to help.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    BEBU; i went though this about 7 years ago. on the rebound from a divorce. i'm no kid i'm . in my late 40's i went to live with dad the jw. and exposed him as a false teacher. after he had me deluted for 30 years that he was some kind of bible scholar. i learned the hard way my legal rights.it took my wife about 2 years to get me out of my home. and i just left my dad's after fighting with him and the courts for about a year. it's a long and slow process using the courts. to get someone out of the house. in richies case it will be hard. unless he's drug addict. etc. point being that richie has the law on his side . you just need to know how to use it. the local jw 's that know me call the police all the time , when ever i blow up their spot at the train station etc. i wait for the cops to come,then i read from the bible and . scream persecution of religion( the cops are stunned) and the jw looks like a dope. . same thing with richie, you have to know how to beat the jw's at their own game. and make them pay for thier actions..... john

  • WildHorses

    Z- I went during lunch and talked to some people about PO Boxes. Its like over 100 bucks.

    What size box did you ask for? I have one of the smaller boxes and I pay $40 a year for it. It's at the Fuquay post office.

  • juni

    Best to you Richie.

    Saturday you will be 18 and then you are LEGALLY free. Hang in there and know that a lot of people are thinking of you.

    Josie's advice about direct deposit of your check is excellent advice. Though I don't know how long that takes to set up. Whatever the case, know that you have a lot of support here and help for you.


  • z
    Z- I went during lunch and talked to some people about PO Boxes. Its like over 100 bucks.
    What size box did you ask for?

    I did not ask for any size just asked him to have one, the size is up to Richie
    I have envelop to send him and hope you all have one

  • Oroborus21


    I was glad you didn't take my post on the other thread the wrong way (unlike many here). You certainly are mature (much more mature than many other forum participants). Working out can be a great stress reliever and it is great that you are in to it. What I had in mind is that at times of great stress and turmoil, I have found it good to focus on improving myself and also that it helps a lot to get encouragement from anywhere you can get it. I am sorry that I worded what I was trying to say very pooryly (BTW 350lb BP - my god! you da man!)

    Sorry to hear your mom is being so unreasonable. Hopefully as you stand up for yourself as an adult and treat her with respect but with firmness in your own convictions and rights, she will come to recognize that she can't control you any longer and that she has to accept that you are a man capable of making your own decisions.

    Although I was speaking only generally in the other post about being prepared and not specifically about your own plans (many said you already had prepared and had plans), it does seem like a good idea to make further preparations so that you will be able to leave the house as soon as possible. You should prepare to leave even if your Mom softens for some reason and chills out. Your goal really should be to get out of the house as soon as possible.

    Just some reiteration and new thoughts:

    • As everyone has suggested you should have your own bank acct and direct deposit your check. To this advice I would add that you can also do all your banking online and have the bank only issue you electronic statements. In this way your mom or dad, will not have any access or knowledge of your business.
    • Opening your mail is a federal (criminal) offense. Should that problem continue, you might consider reminding your mother of this even if you would never make a report of it. A small PO box from the US post should not cost you about $40 bucks or so. You can rent for 6 months which is cheaper, alternatively you could compare box prices at Mail Boxes etc. or similar mom-n-pop PO depots, or even check to see if your college offers boxes to students (many do). If you really can't find an alternative, try to work it out with a friend who will let you get your mail from there or maybe even talk to your bosses at Target and see if they would permit packages and such to come to the store for you. You shouldn't have much mail anyway as almost all business mail can go electronic now and pay by acct takes care of all bills like for cell phone, utilities, etc. so really you are just talking about some personal mail.
    • Prepaid cell phone may be the way to go until you get set.
    • Scully and others suggested child protective services being involved and making allegations of abuse. As you are days away from being 18 CPS would not get involved - not too mention that the types of acts your mother has engaged in are neither abusive, in their eyes, nor illegal - not even the taking of your money or car because you were a (non-immancipated) minor at the time. A parent has full authority to access their child's property, including your car, etc. while you are a minor. Many parents react in the way you have described your mother acting when the parent finds their child doing drugs, having sex, associating with disapproved people, etc. In your case your mom's reaction is not unusual other than the reason why she is reacting this way is unusual. However, what she can get away with while you are minor changes when you turn 18. While she can still search your room and personal property unless it is locked (and you are paying rent), she can't take your money, pay checks or deprive you of your personal property after you turn 18. (and incidently, most parents would emphathize with her (and your dad's) concern over your associating with strangers via the Internet. Certainly, the authorities would look favourably on her actions of restricting your online activities. The difference between the reaction here on JWD and for example the hubbub about teens on MySpace.com is the Anti-JW issue. I wonder whether people would feel differently if you were a 16 year old girl - getting offers from strangers to send you money or let you crash at their place?)
    • As for kicking you out, the fact is that she can't just throw you out. The government doesn't look kindly upon parents who create a burden upon the State by pushing out their children when they reach the age of majority without any means. She would have to follow the law in NC and that would take time, time for you to plan and leave.

    The bottom line is that you want to smooth this transition as much as possible. Your best tactic is taking a very mature and professional approach, nothing juvenile and nothing of petty retaliation. Obviously, resorting to authorities or the courts is the last thing you want to do and I think you can avoid all of that just by being firm and mature with the situation. In time, who knows what relationship you may have with your parents? I hope that one day it will be a healthy and positive one. Right now you just need to take care of your business and get through this. You have a lot of emotional support and that puts you in a great position to make these changes and go through what you are going through.

    best of luck,


    PS: Careful, PoppyR, common sense and reason don't play well here.

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