British College: Non-Muslims are "filth", "pigs" and "dogs"

by Elsewhere 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Does any other religion have it written down where the Jews are called "pigs" or "decendents of apes" besides Islam?

    Come off it Mary, most Nazis were nominal Christians and said such things.

    Uh, last time I checked, the Nazis were not a religion, and Christianity according to the bible, does not refer to the Jews as pigs or decendents of apes.

    There were Christian churches (still are) that called black people the 'descendants of apes' or 'pigs'. You don't have a point.

    I do have a point. Officially, the religion of Islam promotes the idea that Jews are "pigs" or "decendents of apes". It's written in the Koran for all to see. I know of no other religion where their holy writings promote the idea that Jews are pigs or decendents of apes, but if you know of what, let me know.

    The fact that some Muslims are falling for EXACTLY the same doctrines and beliefs the Germans fell for under Nazi rule should make it obvious this is a social and political problem.

    It's also a religious problem because Islamic countries that promote this trash are not a democracy, they're a theocracy (rule by God) which most certainly does not promote freedom or equality that a democratic society does. And they're reverting right back to the Stone Age.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Sad emo
    See how these Muslim organisations teaching extremist views are even taking over our former Church schools, a further example of the erosion of the British way of life? - The scandal of it! (Thing we forget here is to ask why there is no need for church schools any more!).

    It was an empty building now used by the Muslim groups; this is not 'taking over' in the sense one might think it is, it's just 'change of use'. It could have equally become a Yoga Centre. The fact this irrelevant fact is mentioned in the newspaper article should make the reader think "what is the paper expecting/wanting me to think about this, why do they mention it?"

    Hi Abaddon,

    I don't know if you misunderstood what I put (maybe I should have put it in quotes so it didn't look like it might be my opinion), but your reply is exactly what I was getting at - this constant underhanded scaremongering tactic used by the British media being used to stir up paranoia. Some readers might stop at the 'they're taking over our British institutions' part of the reply whereas others fortunately will ignore the irrelevant info.

  • Abaddon


    Uh, last time I checked, the Nazis were not a religion, and Christianity according to the bible, does not refer to the Jews as pigs or decendents of apes.

    Did I say that Nazi's were a religion? No. Do you imply I did because you didn't read what I wrote or because you feel a straw man arguement adds weight to your opinion?

    And whilst the Bible doesn't talk about Jews like that, please provide a quote from the Quaran itself that does what you say.

    Christian writers do write abusively of Jews - and I think you'll find while the Quaran is equivalent to the Bible, Islamic writers are equivalent to Christian writers. Both Christian and Muslim writers can let their nasty bigotries (which they claim are religiously justified) contaminate their religious writings. So you have no point.

    I do have a point. Officially, the religion of Islam promotes the idea that Jews are "pigs" or "decendents of apes".

    You prove you don't even know enough about Islam to realise that unlike, say Roman Catholicism, where there is a centralised hierachy and an 'official line', Islam has no central heirachy and thus no 'official' line. Some Muslims believe such idoicies, yes; but to claim it is an 'official' Muslim teaching when there is no centralised controlling body recognised as the 'offical' source of doctrine is to mis-state the facts.

    I know of no other religion where their holy writings promote the idea that Jews are pigs or decendents of apes, but if you know of what, let me know.

    Whilst the phrasing may differ, your statement shows you know nothing of the antipathy of Christian writers towards Jews in the Middle Ages. If you are spreading mis-conceptions about Muslims, aren't you actually being part of the problem rather than part of the solution?

    The fact that some Muslims are falling for EXACTLY the same doctrines and beliefs the Germans fell for under Nazi rule should make it obvious this is a social and political problem.

    It's also a religious problem because Islamic countries that promote this trash are not a democracy,

    Ah, so it IS a social and political problem... I'm glad we agree...

    Sad emo

    Oh, I got you; thus the use of 'one'. If your first para left any doubt as to your opinion your second didn't. I just thought the media maniplulation worthy of highlighting.

  • Robdar

    I do have a point. Officially, the religion of Islam promotes the idea that Jews are "pigs" or "decendents of apes". It's written in the Koran for all to see.

    Hmm, I don't recall reading the above in the Quran. Care to point me to a direct quote?

  • Abaddon


  • Mary
    Robdar asked: Hmm, I don't recall reading the above in the Quran. Care to point me to a direct quote?

    Here you go:

    "... They are those whom Allah has cast aside and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made some as apes and swine..." (5:60); "...You have surely known the end of those from amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath , in consequence of which we condemned them: Be ye like apes, despised" (2:65);[13] and "when, instead of amending, they became more persistent in the pursuit of that which they were forbidden, we condemned them: Be ye as apes, despised" (7:166).[14]

  • Mary

    Geeze, I did my posting 5 minutes ago and still no smart assed comment from Abaddon yet defending Islam!! I'm getting worried!!

  • Hellrider

    The verse Mary is quoting here, is a much discussed and controversial passage in the Quran. Just like with the Bible, "secular" scholars and conservative are arguing about what this means. The "secular" scholars will of course try to paint a prettier picture of what this verse means, just like biblical scholars try to paint a prettier picture of certain passages in the OT. But a conservative interpretation of 5:60 is probably best, because this verse is clarified by an earlier verse:

    Sura 4 : 46 "Of those who are Jews (there are those who) alter words from their places and say: We have heard and we disobey and: Hear, may you not be made to hear! and: Raina, distorting (the word) with their tongues and taunting about religion; and if they had said (instead): We have heard and we obey, and hearken, and unzurna it would have been better for them and more upright; but Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief, so they do not believe but a little."

    The jews are viewed as pigs and dogs, as a punishment from Allah. There is an inner tension in the Quran, on the views on jews and christians. On the one hand, they are "the people of the book", as they are part of the religious (monotheistic) tradition that lead to Islam! - and are therefore to be respected. On the other hand, they refuse to accept the new religion of Islam, they refuse to embrace the logical conclusion to their religious history, which, in the eyes of the moslems, is Islam. So in the Quran, they are both celebrated and condemned. That is the truth. The islamic "scholars" will of course choose either the one or the other of these views, depending on their hidden agenda and views. But you will rarely hear the "people of the book"-view coming from the mouth of a fundamentalist. Actually, the verses where jews are referred to as "people of the book" are rarely mentioned by anyone, and when they are mentioned, it is always in a context where Islam has to defend itself.

  • Mary

    Thank you Hellrider.

  • Spectrum

    Don't forget that many British and US national papers are in one way or another controlled by Zionists which suits these goverments because they can use them to whip up anti-islamic sentiment for their next invasion or aerial bombing of a muslim country, in this case Iran.


    The difference between Islam and Christianity is at source. Christ's message was uncompromising spread of peace and love by his followers(at least until his judgement day when he will personally wipe out all unworthy people according to JWs) whilst Mohammed's message seems to be more about running people through with a sword if they don't agree with his doctrine. Islam is much more akin to Judaism. Mohammed was the type of Messiah the Jews were expecting, a warring hero, instead they got Jesus whose softly-softly approach didn't impress a people who built their nation on progroms and massacres against the Canaanite natives with Yahwehs's blessings.

    There is undeniably big difference between the two doctrines. What happened to christianity after is another matter.

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