And your assumption it will take 500 years is based on what exactly?
It was not an assumption. I said: "If Islam is going to use as long as christianity did, then we`re going to have to live with this medieval version of Islam...". There is a difference. My point was, again, to stress the urgency.
The Islamic world (to be precise the Arabic/Persian Islamic world, as most other major population groups of Muslims are NOT comparable to the Arabic/Persian Islamic world) will not take nearly as long
And this assumption is based on what exactly? Turkey? Turkey is a whole different matter, it has a long history of strong ties to Europe and Russia (both as an enemy and as an allie, doesn`t matter, the influence is there either way), and cannot be compared to the middle east what so ever. Bringing up Turkey in this matter shows how little you understand about Islam and the middle east. Oh, and by the way, yes, it did get screwed around with like Iran. Actually, Turkey has been screwed around with a whole lot more than Iran, and for several centuries.
Judicial executions using methods that could well leave the victim in agony whilst they asphixiate is a practise of a Christian state
And what has that got to do with anything? Am I American? No, I am not. Have I in this thread, or ever, defended christian fundamentalism? No, never. Am I a christian? No. I have never glorified the U.S. in any way. But still, at least in the United States they dont whipe and stone women for having been raped. They don`t cut off the arms of a 14-yearold kid who stole a bread due to starvation. They don`t stone and hang people for homosexuality, or for having spoken about the "prophet" (piss be upon him) in less than flattering terms. In your own country, the moviemaker Theo van Gogh was attacked and beheaded with a butcher knife on a street in broad daylight, because he had had the audacity to insult precious Islam. You would make excuses for the assailant, I assume, and place the responsibility for that attack on van Gogh himself, for not having "understood Islam"? Yes, the americans should get rid of the death penalty. But they are not nearly as barbaric as moslem nations ruled by the Sharia-law.
Hijacking planes in the name of Allah, "the most merciful"...
Is it any better if it's in the name of the 'Glorious People's Revolution' or 'A million dollars or everyone dies'? Check your history of hijacking, Muslims are a minority group.
Not only is that irrelevant, because we are now discussig current events, but I even think you are wrong. I would like to see some statistics on that. From what I remember, the wave of hijackings in the 80s were also done by moslems, although politically orientated and not fundamentalistic ones (the PLO).
Yeah, sure, there's billions of Muslims, but there are not billions of problem Muslims;
No, there are not billions of muslims in the world. There is a little over one billion. One billion of problem muslims.
Even if terrorists "took out" one or two major cities (which they have thus far failed to do), the end of extremism is inevitable; the West just has to be careful not to make many allies of the extremists by being heavy-handed or dishonest... we are facing a Generation where there will be tens of thousands of victims of terrorism, but not the escalation to Holy War so desired of the real nut-jobs. It will be a train here, a building there, but Western society (and those who want to share in its riches and freedoms) is simply too powerful ; force to derail.
Well, of course, if you think that is ok. Unless you happen to be on that particular train, of course. Of the 200 that died on the trains in the Madrid bombings, how many of them do you think wanted to have muslims in their country in the first place? I bet a pretty low number. The same goes for the London-bombings, at least most surveys show that europeans in general are against immigration (you, sir, are the exception rather than the rule). So basically, all these people died because of the decisions of politicians doing
exactly the opposite of the peoples will, doing exactly the opposite of what the people on the trains and in the buses wanted. That is
unfair, it is not
democratic, and the Europeans won`t put up with it in the long run!