Projectile Diarrhea ???
What's a good excuse to miss a meeting?
by JH 33 Replies latest jw friends
I have crabs.
luv, jojo
But what would be the best would be to bring into the hall a woopie cushion and go into the bathroom and make the noises real loud. I think they would go in and ask you to leave because you were causing a disturbance.
Being too hungry
cyberdyne systems 101
I was reading JWD and forgot the time
There will be another meeting just like it in a couple of days?
too tired to concentrate
feeling suicidal again.
Just to pull the chains of the brothers when they came for a sheparding call because I was missing meetings I put on a crazy women face and said "I am to depressed to attend and if you keep coming back I may have to commit suicide!". It worked, they never came back. That gave me time to write my 9 page letter of disasociation.
I was picking my nose.
I don't want to go.